Meow Skulls
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  • Only 19 more days, glad my Infrit's Dawn won't be overshadowed by a raid of a government base this time
    legitimate question because it's been bugging me: why do you always spell it "infrit"
    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    Tradition and to show my true self of being a bad speller
    Actually, that's just what comes up when it shows in the auto speller and I just don't even bother to correct it, heh
    fair enough
    With Cartoonito coming to the US, HBO Max, production of new anime and action cartoons, Adult Swim turning 20 years old, the Cartoon Cartoons shorts program and the possible actually final end of Adventure Time and Gumball, it seems Cartoon Network is in a new era, the future's mysteries can be scary but thinking about them is all so fun to me
    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    Seems the end of this specific era before it will come with ... A marathon of Star Wars movies? Eh, whatever floats your boat
    Tell me your backstory
    Toasty Toad
    Toasty Toad
    I started out as a seed after months I grew into a grain of wheat then I got squashed with other plants and we were merged and cooked alive then after that we were sliced up and put into a blue bag and we suffocated for what seemed like weeks until we got released. Just to be burned again and then I heard the phrase that gave me life
    Aha there's the problem there's too many toasters well you know what they say all toasters toast toast
    The Orca
    The Orca
    I, along with yellow koopas, are only called up by bowser as a last resort, since we have special abilities that green and red don't have. Blue koopas can... make the wearer super mobile and yellow koopas... can get you rich quick. We're on a mission to be more known. Seriously though, Blue and Yellow Koopa Troopas don't get enough love, more-so for Yellow to be fair. (I wonder if that's to emphasize the Mario Bros colors more since only green, and sometimes red, tend to appear in the main series and be playable in the spinoffs).
    Xiahou Dun
    Xiahou Dun
    Long before I was born, my parents died. And then a pack of wolves came to me and raised me on raw cattle meat. Unfortunately, they also died, from both a wildfire and a lightning strike. And then, an old shepherd took me in and mentored me to hunt with my own bare hands, and I eventually learned growing up that I was the last of my species. But he eventually got abducted by aliens and then the aliens wiped my memory. After that, the shepherd's village was razed by an evil faction of dragon warriors after they found out I was part of a prophecy where I'd keep telling this backstory to IDIOTS like you.
    You think you could keep the truth hidden forever? Funny enough, you being trustful is your downfall, scum, you told the wrong person your plan, bring her in! *A familiar voice saying "Shakira Shakira!*
    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    And don't worry, we brought in your friend who likes big butts, there is no escape now
    Hi everyone, tomorrow at 1 PM EST, I will be streaming Hubworld on my Cytube, it's a showcase of indie 3d platformers hosted by two cute birds!
    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    I will also be taking requests for music and short videos
    Gatekeeping is so stupid because there is so many people on this planet that it's inevitable that people you don't like are going to like something you like, for example, I don't like gatekeepers but as an anime fan there is nothing I can really do for them to stop them from liking the stuff I like
    I told a stranger about rock n roll, now reveal the source of the magic or YOU SHALL NEVER SEE THE SUNRISE AGAIN
    You gotta convince yourself you are beautiful, like blindingly beautiful, so blindingly beautiful you got to learn to remember to tell people to get glasses before they meet you, that beautiful
    Add "From Hell" to the end of the title of the last game you played
    Pikmin 3 From Hell
    Champion Island from hell

    (Champion Island is that new google doodle game if anybody's askin')
    Cookie Run: OvenBreak FROM HELL

    I mean... the Oven is basically Cookie Hell, so it's not WRONG...
    Get this, Gamescom only nominates two "most wanted upcoming Switch games" and both were from Ubisoft, that's either lack of effort or outright being bribed and I can't tell which is worse
    Meow Skulls
    Meow Skulls
    The amount of focus on Activision and Ubisoft despite all what's coming from them just further convince me that Geoff is an utter shill
    So, one of the only other Marvel heroes mentioned in the non MCU Spidey movies was ... Doctor Strange in Spider-Man 2
    Anyone here a fan of tv bumpers? Know any cool ones?
    The classic Boomerang bumpers give me nostalgia.
    The Orca
    The Orca
    There are those bumpers on Boomerang/Boomeraction before the whole channel revamp, the Cartoon Network Fridays/City era bumpers and Disney Channel movie bumpers from the 00s.
    If we need more attention to the site as a whole, why not tell everyone that we are the best place for baked bread?
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