Ok so I'm almost done with college. In a year or two I'll go to my job. It's going to be a very...interesting to say the least new phase in my life. You know, having to for the first time ever get up really early and go to work for eight hours every weekday. It'll take some adjusting and getting used to but I think all that time I spend in work all day is going to probably make me even more appreciate all the free time I have once I get home and on the weekends. LOL nowadays as a college student without a job I sleep in til 10:30 AM, but once I get my job, I'll probably have to get up at 8. Meh, not as bad as how when I was a kid when me and my dad went fishing I'd have to get up as the sun was literally coming up (6 AM). And at least I'll get paid for it; I selected a job I'll have fun at and that pays very well.
I have loving parents who love me unconditionally, I'm very happy with my life, and I have a really good life-a roof over my head, I'm going to college and going to get my dream job, and I'll be financially stable for the rest of my life. I wish I could give all of this to everyone else in the world who is struggling right now, especially the first two. I wish everyone could have a good and happy life because I know some people out there are absolutely miserable. We live in a broken world filled with unhappy and broken people, and I wish I could give everything that I have to them, too. Especially my happiness.
Well guys I'm getting a new phone next year, and I decided I will go with Apple because compared to Google, and how it manipulates search results and spies on people, I think Apple is definitely the lesser of the two evils. Plus Apple's phones have better features anyway.
Ok so I want to go back and forth between being the different Koopalings...I want to be Lemmy. I'm trying to choose an image for my new picture but when I click on "Choose File" nothing is happening. This is annoying me.
Why does YouTube have such an excessive amount of ads now? Is it because they're losing money, or are they just greedy? I assume it's the latter. It's seriously extremely annoying. Like seriously they never had this many ads before. It seems really excessive to me. Whenever I watch a video, it seems like there's an ad every 30 seconds.
Anyway, if anyone wants to explain why, like, please don't go into enormous technical detail; just let me know which one it is-greediness or losing money. Like, be general about it. Please. My brain can only handle so much information LOL.
I have Mcafee installed on my computer, but it's been doing something lately that is so evil. It's been sending me false scareware ads saying "Warning! Data breaches of your personal data have been detected on the dark web! Upgrade to Mcafee+ now!". There was even another one that said my data was being SOLD on the dark web and to upgrade Mcafee. This is false advertising! How is Mcafee getting away with this? It makes me so mad. I think this is wrong of them. Why are they using these scare tactics? I have no funds or money to speak of but one of them said my financial data had been breached and that's how I know this is all fake. I don't even have a bank account. These weren't pop up ads on the web either; they were from Mcafee on my computer.
I'm extremely tired because some construction was going on late last night in my neighborhood from 12 AM to dawn and so I lost a lot of sleep. Good thing I have earplugs so this won't happen again.
Apparently my galaxy purple Nintendo 3DS XL is really reliable. I've had it for seven years and it still works perfectly. Wonder if 20 years from now it'll still work.
I know it's really late, but when my birthday comes around this year (not saying when it is-too much personal information) I plan on getting a Switch 1 so I can play Miitopia and some other games. I plan to get the Switch 2 whenever it comes out. Also I wonder if since the Switch is not in high demand anymore if it'll be easier to get one and it will cost less?
Ugh....those stupid ants still won't stop invading my home through both sinks in the bathroom. It's already April-why won't they just go away?! Hopefully when it warms up all of this will stop. It always has. They come into my home through the sinks in the bathroom for a while during the winter, then when it's summer and it gets hot they finally go away. Hopefully sometime in mid-May they'll finally leave. I'm tired of having to squish them constantly. As far as why they come in during the winter it's to escape the cold, which makes me feel somewhat sorry for them.
I want to change my signature GIF to something else Mario-related because I'm bored with the Koopa Kids one I have, but I don't know how. I can't take a GIF I have on my computer and paste it in, and the only way to use a GIF is to post in the URL. Can someone please help me?
Sometimes I really wonder where my life will take me and how long it will be before I post something here like "Hey, guys, I just bought my first house!" or "Oh my God guys, my girlfriend accepted my proposal and we're getting married!". You know.....normal stuff but that's really life-changing. And I mean in a GOOD way.
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