Knuckles The Echidna

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  • Well guys, today is actually a very sad day. It's International Holocaust Rememberance Day. I seriously wish that terrible world history event had never happened, and it never should have been allowed to happen. Let's just remember and honor all the victims, and pray that something as terrible and tragic and horrible as that was never happens again.
    Well my Classic Sonic figures from Jakks Pacific of classic Sonic Tails and Knuckles arrived today. I have them on my shelf. They're great, I really didn't enjoy getting them out of their packaging though-they were really stuck in there, plus they had twist-ties on them which I had to snap off with scissors. I swear to God I hate those freakin' twist tie things. They're annoying. And I hate how when manufacturers put these characters in these cheap plastic packaging how it's sometimes really hard to get them out. I literally had to struggle to get them out of their packaging. I was really afraid I was going to break them but fortunately that didn't happen.
    Ok guys, I'm just a bit frustrated right now. I finally made it to the Gnasty Gnorc boss level but it's totally unfair! There are four reasons why I am struggling to beat it:

    1. The thieves are so freaking fast! It's nearly impossible to catch them! What the hell......

    2. The tutorial video I saw of this had this part where you flame Gnasty Gnorc when he's on this one platform, but every time I get to the platform he's already left! Hell, when I'm far away from it and haven't even reached that part of the level, he sees me and then he runs off of it. How am I supposed to flame him if he's never over there?! The one time he was actually on the platform he shot magic at me and I slipped and fell over the edge!

    3. Every single time I screw up, I have to start ALL over again which means I have to catch the thieves again, and the thieves are so freaking fast it's hard to catch them and only times I've ever been able to catch them, it's because I've been lucky! Turning at all while I'm running slows me down and makes it harder to catch them and the level itself is filled with so many twists and turns which adds to the difficulty.

    4. To be able to get Gnasty Gnorc onto the platform I have to run-charge the ENTIRE time and keep up with him which makes it about 200% more likely I will fall over the edge and die and have to start ALL over again, and it's already happened more than once.

    I swear to freaking God guys I HATE this level! I recall when I played Spyro Reignited Trilogy for PC I was able to beat Spyro 2 and 3 and NOT Spyro 1 because of this very same level! I never beat it. I DON'T want to give up on this, or fail to beat it. I put so much time and effort into it. Somebody, please, help me!

    Like, I'm a bit frustrated and angry right now but most of all, I'm desperate. I'm desperate for someone to give me some advice that will help me beat this because this level is not fair at all. Please someone help me......I'd hate to have to walk away from this after I've been playing it for nearly a month to get to where I am now! If I have to walk away from this after playing it for so long without beating it I'll never get over it. I'll feel like a failure. I've beaten almost every game I've gotten my hands on in the past. And when I can't beat a game, I tend to be hard on myself for not beating it because I can beat most games. :(

    Seriously though LOL this level is just plain evil. 👿

    Yeah, like, not really extremely frustrated and angry about this, but I am a bit discouraged about it. I got this game for Christmas and I really want to just beat it and move on to Spyro 2. I've literally finished just about all of it, except this part. Ugh...this part...

    Anyway yeah-like-I'd like maybe some tips on how to beat this level, or if not that, maybe some encouragement. Or don't. That's fine too.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Ok I think I'll try to beat this again later today. Everyone wish me luck; this is going to be difficult.
    Ok so changed my mind a bit about who I'll be next. After this I'll be Bowser but after that I plan to be Sonic, Tails, Knuckles and then Rouge from Sonic The Hedgehog and maybe after that a few FNAF characters.
    Well my Frogger 2 Game Boy Color game arrived today. My Toy Story Game Boy game should be here soon too. Can't wait to play it. Also love this new avatar picture and name. They're both awesome. Next up will be Bowser, and then, I guess we'll see after that.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Hey guys another update-I collected all 6,000 gems and now I'm in the last world of the game, Gnasty Gnorc's world! Now all I have to do is complete all the levels within the world and then I can finally face Gnasty Gnorc! I'm so excited you guys! Once I defeat him, I'll beat the game! 🎉🎊
    So my Frogger Game Boy Color game arrived yesterday. I have to be honest-I kind of suck at Frogger. However I think that's because it's meant to be hard. However in better news I'm getting better at playing all the Game Boy and Game Boy Advance Game and Watch game compilation. I'm getting really high scores on some of them. Also, I own all four volumes of them.

    Also in other news after tomorrow I can change my avatar and name to Bowser Jr.:bowjr:
    Ok guys I've literally almost completely beaten Spyro The Dragon for PS1. I'm in the home stretch now-I'm on the next to last world, the Dream Weavers world. Oh my God I am SO excited.
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    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna, apparently, before I can go to Gnasty Gnorc's world, although I've already completed the Dream Weavers world, now I have to go back to PREVIOUS worlds and get more treasure until my total treasure collected is 6,000.


    Seriously this is really going to be annoying though. I have to do so much backtracking and it's basically like a fetch-quest, and I HATE fetch-quests. I have about 5,000 treasure already attained but it's still going to take a little while to get to 6,000. I mean most of the levels in all of the worlds do not have 1000 or even 500 treasure in them; it's usually 100 or less, so I will have to go back and replay SO many levels to get the amount I need. Eh, oh well.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Ok I'm so much closer to getting that 6000 treasure; I have either 5500-something or 5600-something treasure by now.
    I can't believe it's only been a week since I got my Spyro The Dragon PS1 game for Christmas, and already, I'm in the Beast Makers world, the next to next to last world in the game. I think it means that I'll be beating this game really soon. Like, the only world after the Beast Makers world but before Gnasty Gnorc's world is the Dream Weavers world.
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    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Ok I changed my profile banner to a New Year theme now. 🎉
    Good luck if you plan to 100% "Treetops".
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Oh my God guys you won't believe what happened. I got on here, and I wasn't logged in when I usually always am, and I panicked because I didn't know what happened; I thought maybe I'd been banned or something, which I didn't understand because I haven't done anything bad, but no, everything's fine. For some reason I didn't stay logged in for once which was weird; I've never had that happen before.

    Holy crap that scared the heck out of me! 😨 Anybody else ever had that experience?

    I have a blank CD onto which I copied a little Notepad document with my user name and password. I'm going to keep it close at all times in case this happens again. Yeah this should have been an update but I've made so many of those lately I didn't want to annoy anyone. Also, I can hear New Year's Eve fireworks outside my house right now. 🎆
    • Wow
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    It's amazing to think that in just two days from now, I will have already been on this forum for an entire year. How did the time go by that fast? Holy smokes! 🕑
    Hey guys PS1 Memory Card arrived today and am now able to save my game in Spyro The Dragon for PS1 which I got for Christmas, and I've been playing it. It's so much fun! I've already rescued about 21 of the Dragon Elders.
    A likely very unpopular opinion of mine: the final three Star Wars sequel movies (Force Awakens, Last Jedi, etc.) and the Jurassic World movies weren't really "bad" sequels; they were just slightly different repeats. Although maybe that's considered just as bad; I don't know. It probably is. It's boring.
    Nightwicked Bowser
    Nightwicked Bowser
    The Force Awakens is the only one of the Star Wars sequel trilogy I saw and it felt too much like a retelling of A New Hope. I wasn't bothered about seeing the rest.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Nightwicked Bowser Ironically I enjoyed the Star Wars sequel trilogy when most people didn't but I think that's only because of the fact I had never seen any of the previous six movies in theaters so I don't know I guess it was special to me since they were the only ones I saw on the big screen, or something? Well anyway, in all objectivity since I only enjoyed them because they were the only Star Wars movies I saw on the big screen, that's not saying much LOL. I enjoyed Jurassic World too for exactly the same reason. If I had seen all the previous movies in theaters for both, I probably would have hated both trilogies in all objectivity.

    Also one other thing I'm very obsessive when it comes to franchises I like. I have to literally watch EVERY single movie and TV show even if it's bad no matter how terrible it is because I'm a completionist and have to watch EVERYTHING. For example with the Terminator franchise Terminator 3 and Salvation and all that were bad but I was like "I have to watch them; I have to watch ALL of them" LOL.
    Ok, so, if everyone thought my misfortune with getting the Spyro PS1 game working was humorous (I'll be honest-I think it is, as disappointing as it was; I'm perfectly fine with laughing at my own misfortune), in addition, when I got my used-but-in-good-condition Spyro Attack of the Rhynocs Game Boy Advance game for Christmas, for some reason, at first, it didn't even work. Like, it didn't make any sense. Every time I put it in the slot, my Game Boy Advance NES Edition handheld wouldn't recognize it, then after I put it in a little more firmly it worked, and after that, even if I put it in with the same amount of force as I did when it didn't work, suddenly it always works now. It's so bizarre. And even more weird than that, like, on the very top of the cartridge, I don't know what it is, but it looks to me like it's got same paint on it or something-there's this substance on the top of the cartridge, and it's pink. I don't get it, before I owned it, like, was it owned by some little kid and they were, like, making crafts, and having it sit on a table next to whatever they were making and they accidentally painted a bit on it? I seriously don't know, but it's really odd. I mean it might not even be paint; it might be marker. I don't know, but it's really weird, just like how it originally didn't work, and now it's suddenly working fine every time.
    Merry Christmas everyone, if you celebrate that sort of thing. Also I just got done watching "Red One" on Amazon. It was really good. I can see why it's so popular. 🎄🎅🤶
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Oh also as one of my presents I got a Super Mario 2025 wall calendar. Here's hoping that this next year won't be as crazy as this year was. 🤞🗓️

    Also I'm a little disappointed none of the months on the calendar has the Koopalings on them. We have everyone including Bowser, but no Koopalings.
    Ok, so I got Spyro The Dragon and Spyro Ripto's Rage and Spyro Year Of The Dragon for the PS1 as some of my Christmas presents JUST TODAY. I have a memory card in my PS2 that has all my save data from my other PS2 games. The system recognizes it. Then I go into Spyro The Dragon for PS1 and it doesn't recognize a memory card is even in there. Then I look up the problem I am having with my new Christmas present trying to figure out what the heck is going on, and turns out I need a PS1 memory card. I order it. It won't be here until Saturday. 😒 🤦‍♂️

    This just really freakin' sucks LOL. In other news though I ate a ton of Christmas cookies today. 🍪
    You know I'm really getting a bit tired of people talking and debating back and forth about and arguing with each other over politics on here, even though it doesn't happen that often. Like when I get on here I expect to (and want to) get away from all that, but apparently I can't. Personally I'm really sick and tired of and just hate politics in general-how it divides people, how people get heated up and angry at each other over it-I'm sick of all the drama, and, on a fun site like this, there's really no need for it. Not here, that is. Like talking about this stuff everywhere else on the net and social media and all that-that's fine, but I'd rather not do it here. I'd like to get away from all that. Politics is important, yes, but I'd rather just relax and have a good time on here and not discuss that stuff. I'd like for everyone on here to just be nice and get along with each other, ok?
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Well, like I said before if anyone on here argues about or discusses politics with another on here, I of course will not join in. I mean I can't control other people (and I shouldn't; everyone should be free to do what they themselves want). So I should just do what I've done all along and just stay away from conversations in public view on here that sway into political territory. Like I said, I also will not discuss or give out any of my religious/non-religious or political views on here either. I prefer to keep all that private.
    No one really argues about politics on here from what I've seen. People do vent a lot though, and while I do think it's important to have a safe space to share things and the Board is a great place for that too many people doing it creates a very negative atmosphere unfortunately
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Sprig I don't think "venting" is good for anyone, to be honest. It just spreads negativity and gets everyone really upset; that's all my opinion of course.
    LOL the situation for Bubsy haters like me has just gotten so much worse with THIS. Like if anyone on here is a Bubsy fan, not putting you down for that. I won't judge you for that either. It's just what you like. This is just MY personal reaction because I personally don't like him. AAAAAAAAAGH!!!! 😫

    It's available for PC too. It's real all right. Oh, boy........
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    @Meta Knight Believe it or not-and I was shocked to discover this myself-Bubsy is EXTREMELY hated, but he does have at least SOME fans. I know this because I discovered, just randomly browsing through Steam, a fangroup for him-and it had either hundreds or thousands of members. Also one time when I used my browser to look up funny "hate art" of him, I in addition to that also found hundreds of pieces of fan art fans had drawn of him. So he does have some fans-some. I am NOT freaking making this up LOL. So yeah-he does have some fans. I personally myself find that incredibly cringy (and you probably do too), but there you go. Not that I really care though, because I personally really hate him. Heck, just earlier today, I made a funny GMod ragdoll screenshot scene where Mario was mercilessly beating him up, while Spyro from Spyro Reignited watched the whole thing, laughing the entire time. That should give you an idea of how much I hate Bubsy LOL. Bubsy had been dead and buried for a really long time before Billionsoft, in what I personally think was a moment of VERY bad judgment, decided to buy the rights to his franchise and excavate his coffin from his grave and bring him and his franchise back to life, to the frustration of almost everyone. Instead, he probably should have just stayed buried LOL. Like-what were they thinking. 🤦‍♂️
    Wynn Liaw
    Wynn Liaw
    Everything has fans.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    I do really wonder if how hated the Bubsy games were, especially Bubsy 3D, is the main reason why Accolade (the original company, not the brand name that Atari and Billionsoft just revived) went out of business. It may well be mainly because of Bubsy LOL. As for why Atari and Billionsoft decided to bring this character and his awful franchise back, we may never know. They should have just left it alone. But for Bubsy fans, this probably will bring a lot of happiness so I guess it's ok-sort of. Still wish the brand had stayed dead though personally. I wonder how well or how badly the Bubsy "Purr-fect Collection" coming out next year is going to sell. They've according to the description in the Steam Store helped to smooth out some of the issues in the first three games of the series so maybe they're not as awful now. Still will stay away from them personally though. And I will NEVER become a fan of his.
    Hey everyone! I remember how everyone said that they hoped Mario Movie 2 would be good since it seemed like they were rushing production by not waiting three years, but I just found out that it is due to release in 2026, so that means they'll have plenty of time to perfect it and make it really good. I hope that alleviated everyone's fears. It'll be a three year wait (by the year after next year). Makes since. That's about how long animated movies usually take to make. Also, even if it's not as good as the first one, I'll probably enjoy it just because it has to do with Mario which is a franchise I like, but for the sake of all the rest of you fans I hope it's just as good as the first one-or better.
    Ok so for breakfast today, I heard about the Indiana Jones-themed XBox gamer breakfast menu items at IHop so for breakfast today I had the "Berry'd Treasure" French toast thing. Oh my God it was SO good! I can't decide which part of it was better-the berry sauce, or the icing. But yeah it was really good and not only was it good, but it also completely filled me up so I wasn't hungry anymore after I ate it. Can't wait to try out the rest of the Indiana Jones breakfast menu items over the next few weekends.
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