You know I'm really getting a bit tired of people talking and debating back and forth about and arguing with each other over politics on here, even though it doesn't happen that often. Like when I get on here I expect to (and want to) get away from all that, but apparently I can't. Personally I'm really sick and tired of and just hate politics in general-how it divides people, how people get heated up and angry at each other over it-I'm sick of all the drama, and, on a fun site like this, there's really no need for it. Not here, that is. Like talking about this stuff everywhere else on the net and social media and all that-that's fine, but I'd rather not do it here. I'd like to get away from all that. Politics is important, yes, but I'd rather just relax and have a good time on here and not discuss that stuff. I'd like for everyone on here to just be nice and get along with each other, ok?