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  • the animation of the Super Mario World cartoon is terrible compared to the other Mario cartoons from DIC. Like, guys, what's that?
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    @Knuckles The Echidna Fair enough. I had kinda forgotten how many episodes the Mario 3 show had, so I couldn't really theorize much on the production budget for that one.

    @Itsameweegee In the games, he's established to be older than the rest of the major Mario cast, yeah. But in the Super Mario World show, he's established to be much younger instead, as an adult Luigi found him as a newborn according to the show's final episode, Mama Luigi. That's probably why Yoshi's voice is much younger in the show. As for the inclusion of cavepeople, the game takes place in Dinosaur Land, with the show referring to it as the Dinosaur World, so given the presence of dinosaurs, the show's writers probably thought it'd be consistent to keep with the prehistoric theme and add cavepeople into the mix.
    Knuckles The Echidna
    Knuckles The Echidna
    I like all the Super Mario cartoons including Super Mario World but I admit I don't like it as much as SMB3 and SMSS. Those two I think were the best ones.
    Barby Koala
    Barby Koala
    Yeah, I don't mind the Super Mario World cartoon myself, even if the animation quality was a downgrade from the previous two Mario cartoons by DiC.
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