It may be small to you but it's quite a big issue for me, and believe me, I'm not the only one. What's with your quick assumptions that someone doesn't care about other aspects of the game? Just because I have an issue with something (rightfully so) doesn't mean I have an issue with the game...
Re: Mario Kart 8
If Nintendo is just going to give us Nintendo characters instead of Mario characters as DLC... fine then. But give me Kirby Goddammit!
There's a thing called, attention to detail, Sakurai pretty much says those major character details don't make sense so.... *bleep* it, this does though.
I'm not swallowing that BS nor should Sakurai get off the hook for cooking it up and trying to serve it to us.
I never seen a person continuously miss a point this many times. Refuse to understand the matter. Completely ignore the importance of sound design. I'm learning more and more which people I shouldn't engage in any conversation with. Two already.
This is prime example of why I don't like the...
-I want more new IP characters than old (Dillon, Tempo, Inkling, etc.). This is unpopular because people feel an IP has to prove itself or be around for years before it's "deserving"
-I believe if a character has moveset potential and is an Nintendo IP it's deserving alone.
-I don't like the...
How about you focus on the issues that you're bothered about and stop telling people that their personal issues are nothing compared to the ones you feel are more important. People can disgust whatever they want if it's on-topic. We also have a valid complaint. Don't go policing other people and...
You didn't state an opinion, you said:
" Maybe Sakurai felt that having the character voicing would not fit the more darker style Bowser has in the SSB series."
What the *bleep*? They couldn't afford Kenny James? Are you kidding me? I find that scenario to be completely impossible. If you can afford Mario's VA you can afford Bowser's. Your defense for this is literally just pulling extremely unlikely situations out the wood works. Babyluigi pretty much...
Really the thing about the leak is that it's too great. But, eh, who knows until then. Really I'd say about 2 or 3 of some of the new stages need to be confirmed before I start believing anything. #TeamUnsure
That new leak sounds too awesome.
Battlefield - Original Super Smash Bros stage)
Final Destination - Original Super Smash Bros stage
Mushroom Kingdom U - New Super Mario Bros. U stage
Mario Galaxy - Super Mario Galaxy stage
Bowser's Castle - Super Mario...
Commercials for the 3DS version
There's some good comedic genius in there. You know what I'm talking about when you see.
I think this pretty much confirms what I thought. For the 3DS version character models were possibly ripped from Brawl except for newcomers. But I do think the 3DS version is running on a modified Brawl engine. The Wii U version must of been what he meant when he said characters were made from...
His or Her's exaggeration of my complaint and doing it mockingly, and this...
Just because they're based on animals doesn't mean they should sound like an real life animal or do. Because they don't. Koopas don't sound like turtles, DEDEDE doesn't sound like a real penguin, DK and Diddy don't...
You're being completely unreasonable and are immaturely over exaggerating my complaint. I see no need to continue the conversation if you're going to keep on acting like a jerk about it.
I have a valid complaint. That last bit you posted is extremely ignorant and I shouldn't even have to...
It's highly annoying. Yes. And the excuse for not having them is bogus. It in a way strips a character of some of their personality. It's like if Luigi still had his higher pitched Mario voice from N64 and Melee. Now tell me that wouldn't be annoying.
Here another thing that pisses me off..
Animal sounds.... make more sense than using their voice actors.
This doesn't even make sense for DK or Diddy as DK does make some animal sounds in his original, fitting voice... same with Diddy. Their voices add more personality to them. Kenny James...
Everybody, my new bestfriend here!
I haven't played the second one because I didn't and still don't have a 3DS but it looks great and runs way better. I played the first one and absolutely loved it. People say ig gets repetitive but when a game such as DRW keeps you on your toes with the Grock...
Physical for that sexy boxart and authentication. The fresh smell of flipping through a manual, the seductive view of the back of the case, that tingle you get down under from unwrapping it's petite exterior.