This question would be better suited for another forum entirely. We do not typically deal with these types of things.
I would be remiss if I did not tell you that the legality of any activity in this field is rather... ambiguous. Even a supposedly legal way of obtaining an ROM may not be...
They're making you pay to play individual titles online?
That's the stupidest idea I've ever heard.
Edit: Oh, why are these articles so misleading?
It's just DLC.
Shuckle is useless in the main game, which is all most of us care about. He has a niche role in competitive play, I'll give you that.
Currently, my favorites for each generation are...
Gen I:
Gen II:
Gen III:
Gen IV:
Gen V:
I have never heard of anyone who exclusively plays Mario games.
I just play games that I find interesting. For instance, having finished both 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors, I went to play Unwound Future because I was still in the mood for something vaguely similar to a visual novel. It's not the...
This is a bit off-topic, but the creator of this series has expressed an interest in creating Nintendo vs. Capcom (for, like, the 4th time. Never worked before.).
These are the worst names I've ever heard.
Also, green fetus is Reuniclus? What the hell? [i]Why did they randomly fuse it with the world "Reunite"?[/u]
Blame the TC. He brought it up.
A significantly large amount? I'd say so. However, you seem to be underestimating the scale of how ambitious a project to renovate the entire system of government would be.
Let's speak hypothetically for a moment. Let's say that everyone is perfectly happy with...
Even then, it really isn't. It's so disorganized and, while good in theory, it would be incredibly difficult to find a practical method for its usage. Granted, it would be much easier in our time period today than others, but I digress.
This is funny.
Corruption will always exist in our form of a republic, but it's certainly a lot better than giving each moron in the country a say on every matter.
Because you guys are abusing the hell out of your name changing privileges, we are officially reinstating the 2 name changes a month rule.
Have a nice day.
No, enlighten me, because your post is essentially "So, you're going to do that thing you jokingly said you would do? Whatever, it's cool.", and I can't possibly think of any other underlying meaning outside of that, making your apparent attempt to say it was incredibly witty of you seem...
I have the solution!
Disclaimer: We have the right to completely ignore your name change request if we feel like it for no rational reason.
the day is saved