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  1. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

    Can you ever Shut up!!!! so dumb in reality now here? ugh
  2. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom

    Fine I will unless someone else wants too
  3. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season I'ts past 9.
  4. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

  5. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom

    ATTN YOSHIWAKER: Supremo is back so you don't have to edit anymore
  6. Toad48

    The Weather in your Area

    Ya it was like 50 mph but now it's absoulutley perfect to me (65 degrees with a slight breeze and sunny partly cloudy skys) Ohhh got to love it well it was perfect but now it's 54 degrees so its a bit cold but i can stand the cold for the homecoming football game tonight!!!! :)
  7. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season So how long until we know who wins?
  8. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season I didn't get the challenge!!!
  9. Toad48

    The Weather in your Area

  10. Toad48

    The Real Life Wiki - 28,000 VIEWS!

    Re: The Real Life Wiki MY BRO!!!! YOUR BACK!!! :) can't wait to get back on track to chapter 10
  11. Toad48

    The Real Life Wiki - 28,000 VIEWS!

    Re: The Real Life Wiki that's why i said I hate fighting
  12. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season I'm nervous
  13. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom

    Ya I agree also. (wait I'm on chapter 9 already?)
  14. Toad48

    The Real Life Wiki - 28,000 VIEWS!

    Re: The Real Life Wiki I believe it's his right but I'm not sure
  15. Toad48

    The Real Life Wiki - 28,000 VIEWS!

    Re: The Real Life Wiki I wish I didn't die. I could pwn you guys in real life if your my age but I don't like to fight anyways :)
  16. Toad48

    The Offfical Sad things that happened to you Thread

    This morning, my friends mom died. :( She died from cancer. Even though I didn't know her that much, I talked to her a bit and she was nice :(
  17. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season I don't like my brother being HOH, he's so unpredictable so all of you better watch out!!! :shifty:
  18. Toad48

    The Haunt (NEW)

    same here
  19. Toad48

    The Haunt (NEW)

    hey OJ, did you go to the MUSA thread and see what I said?
  20. Toad48

    User's Artwork and others art!

    Re: YoshiGo99's Artwork Gallery and others artwork! Oh then nevermind. haha
  21. Toad48

    User's Artwork and others art!

    Re: YoshiGo99's Artwork Gallery and others artwork! that's EPIC! to both of you hey could you or couldn't you make lemon yoshi?
  22. Toad48

    The Haunt (NEW)

    pretty good. you should put a poll up too and ask what do you rate the prologue and stuff
  23. Toad48

    The Haunt (NEW)

    off topic: Nabber you'll appear in my Call of duty wiki ops one. Nice sig. On topic: I'm hardly anything main in stories so I want to be a main character
  24. Toad48

    Why did you choose your username?

    reminds me of malts
  25. Toad48

    The Haunt (NEW)

    can I be a main hero?
  26. Toad48

    Why did you choose your username?

    Baseballyoshi24 because baseball is my 2nd favorite sport and my favorite mario character is yoshi and my favorite number is 24.
  27. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season :( My bro isn't messaging me a lot because of it :( Hope he returns soon No supremo isn't my real brother but he's awesome :P
  28. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

    yep. :)
  29. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

    When the first book of MUSA is done and we get even teams
  30. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

    wow your are so...... Squeezes head READ THE MAIN PAGE!!!!
  31. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

    Ok send in your bio and what team you want to be. And one the first book of MUSA is over (around Novemberish) and I want the teams even so
  32. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom CHAPTER 7 IS UP!!!!!! Yoshiwaker, just edit it on userpedia
  33. Toad48

    User Big Brother 1: Final Two! Lily and BMB!

    Re: User Big Brother 1: The First Season I did the 1st 2. Then I had to go to bed or i get grounded so I just guessed and I didn't cheat.
  34. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom

    I don't know. I already have a lot of main characters. If you want to be a main bully great, but if you really want to be on the "good" side, then I guess you can be a main character.
  35. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

  36. Toad48

    What are you listening to right now? (PLEASE put videos behind spoiler tags)

    Re: What are you listening to right now? young forever
  37. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom

    Ok since your first to jump on it. I'm going to make a chapter in about 5 minuets so edit it on userpedia
  38. Toad48


    message me the "haters" I don't think I'm mean....just retarded
  39. Toad48

    The Official "I'm going away/coming back!" Thread

    awwww...... :( Goodbye :(
  40. Toad48

    MUSA (Mario User Sports Association) Book 1: Miracle in Mushroom Kingdom

    Attention: Supremo hasn't been on due to the fact that he broke his thumb? Who would like to be assistant editor???? (only about 1-2 chapters you'd have to edit by the way.)
  41. Toad48

    Call Of Duty: Wiki Ops

  42. Toad48

    The Last Letter Game.

  43. Toad48

    EXPERIMENT OVER ~Thanks for participating!~

    Re: A great story I'm pretty sure it was a dream because I don't think a claw would come out of a toilet
  44. Toad48

    The Official Birthday Thread (LIST IN FIRST POST)

    Re: The Official Birthday Thread - UPCOMING B-DAYS - Fire Kirby (9/21) Happy birthday FE I don't know you much but Happy birthday 8)
  45. Toad48

    EXPERIMENT OVER ~Thanks for participating!~

    Re: A great story no way this is a true story
  46. Toad48

    try to guess the persons real name above you

    Jack haha