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    i need holiday advice

    i should point that alternatively i'll take 3DS games as suggestions well, these are presents for OTHER PEOPLE, so i mean, what i own won't matter
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    i need holiday advice

    ok, so i was going to go and buy some wii u games as presents for christmas but it's occuring to me that since i only own 12 wii u games, perhaps i need some advice on quality titles or accessories ...preferably within the range of E10-T
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    y'know for some odd reason, i cannot find myself able to do smash attacks with megaman like, my mind was so set on the mega buster being the default chargeable b move, that when i found out it was his f-smash, i couldn't adapt despite this, i can do his up and down smash perfectly fine, and i...
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    Sonic Boom (The Game) oh it's so broken it's not even funny
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    hnnnnnnnnnnnnnngh also ice shovel knight JUST CAME OUT YOU CAN GET IT NOW
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    more info on eight-player smash:
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    are you ready for the mario kart 8 remixes cause i don't think you are
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    he's on the site and he's sooooooooo good
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    if bowser jr's thing is "heir to the throne", i'd like to think i'm sold
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    The Smash 4 Wii U Direct/Livestream will reveal 50 new things about the game...

    oh hey look #16 was right yaaaaaaay
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    ..this is a picture nintendo sent out, alongside about 160 more ..damn it sakurai
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    >nurse peach ...alts?
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    31 times trying 9.0 finally got him toda- oh no i mean i accidentally side-b'd off the edge after killing the doppelganger form at 217% ...someone kill me please
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    Smash Bros. Image Thread

    donkey kong stares through a rift of time to call out 1994 on its bullshit (except for earthbound)
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    Which trophy did you start off with?

    i got a goomba, really; i got a FUCKING goomba
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    The DLC thread: What do you want for DLC?

    i fully expect at least 2 veterans and one newcomer through dlc realistically, i'd like snake and lucas back, and the newcomer will probably be from a nintendo series in the near future and not from the past (pls be captain toad)
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    goddamn early sellers
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    the fact that pokemon got 35 (greninja) as its lowest amount shocks me in many ways
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    User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #3

    Re: User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #2 it does good to have a team full of people who have played BGO or game night in general on that note, :dk2:
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    Super Mario Spikers

    i'd pay money to see waluigi piledrive yoshi onto a volleyball ...even if yoshi no-sold it
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    User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #3

    Re: User Survivor - Tribal Council #1 >no math logic we narrowed it down to being between 29.5 and 35 after we heard you guys had an answer, we decided to rush it a bit my assumption was that bmb wouldn't go right for the middle, so i went to 33, and it worked
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    oh yeah i'm gonna do that whole "demo 5 character level 9 thing" :-[
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    User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #3

    Re: User Survivor - Reward Challenge #1 any team with me always wins get WRECKED mushro- no mushayu- no ...mushuyup- damn it that's not it either ...i'll just call you mushieyuckies get WRECKED mushieyuckies 8)
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    The cut character memorial thread. (expect rage against dark pit)

    ok, i can understand ice climbers be cut without a shadow of a doubt due to the 3DS hardware but it still hurts the only one that really hits is lucas :'(
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    Super Smash Bros. for 3DS Demo Code Request Thread

    alright let's face it if nabber's contest ends up being a bust i may as well beg for a demo code.... AGAIN i'm a desperate man, man :'(
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    User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #3

    Re: User Survivor - Reward Challenge #1 oh oh ME post 15 or 16 or whatever it is next is lumastar
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    :-X on that note, here's a random out-of-the-blue question: why were you guys so fast on calling the ESRB leak a fake?
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    please tell me i can get a demo code pleaaaaaaase (seriously i played the game back in june and i've been absolutely hyped to play some form of it ever since but i've never been able to :'()
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    User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #3

    Re: User Survivor - Reward Challenge #1 ok seriously i don't know which team i am or who posted last on my team argggggggh i'm here and all but it'd be nice to know things :-\
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    User Survivor - Immunity Challenge #3

    Re: User Survivor - Reward Challenge #1 y'know i don't wanna be mean but wouldn't it be easier to have us post in our team colors for this challenge so we're not confused
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    Smash Bros in-store demo (FULL RETAIL GAME) in JP right now; info dripping out

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    Smash Bros in-store demo (FULL RETAIL GAME) in JP right now; info dripping out

    AGH alright seriously; i'm gonna leave this topic up to GP, but for right now, here's some info: alph is an alt for olimar galacta knight is an alt fierce deity link is an alt oh yeah and meta knight got nerfed to all hell
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion should probably beat super metroid i got it back when it was 25 cents on the wii u and i said "fuck it i'm finishing it" despite the fact that i've only ever reached kraid i used a fuckton of restore points, but i beat super metroid; and i can already tell you that ridley does much...
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    what could the ice climbers' moveset be other than jumping around and bonking people with hammers? the ice climbe- i should say the ice climBER doesn't do much except that.
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    ok let's make a compromise you get daisy and sceptile you now have to cut charizard or greninja, and cut ONE mario veteran
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

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    Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    Re: Mario Kart 8 >nintendo gets criticism for "too many mario games" >finally decides to let some of their other IP's shine between 2012-mid 2014 >people promptly complain that there isn't enough mario >nintendo flips a table and says "FUCK IT"
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    Mario Kart 8 / Mario Kart 8 Deluxe

    Re: Mario Kart 8 '3k betta go get hype for that f-zero track and the blue falcon kart... COMING IN NOVEMBER
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    well shit pic of the day flatout confirms the leaks at this point it would just be denial; this is official nintendo material matching up to a leaked screenshot totally maining duck hunt dog (or iggy koopa)
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    not really; why? This is from a video shown to the ESRB to get a rating for the game. of course it makes sense to show off angry bomb target whatevers afterward
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

    as far as i know, they don't keep their color schemes; it could kick in if outlines are turned off, but i think they're forcing thin outlines for team battles
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    Super Smash Bros. for Wii U & 3DS Discussion

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    Smash Bros. Videos Leaked

    to be fair, i'm pretty sure duck hunt came out... after the original super mario bros, so he just wouldn't be on the screen :P
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    Smash Bros. Videos Leaked

    fe we had gameplay footage of bowser jr and shulk earlier today nintendo themselves took it down in a copyright claim this is a legitimate leak; i mean, hell: here's a whole set of imgur photos: