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  1. Luigidaisy1

    Favorite NormalBoots Videos.

    This topic is specifically to talk about some of your favorite NormalBoots Shows/Videos (Whatever you want to call them). My two personal favorites are PeanutButterGamer, and The Completionist, but I also very much enjoy JonTron and ProJared. Please post some of your favorite videos. Here our...
  2. Luigidaisy1

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Nice. :D
  3. Luigidaisy1

    More Conspiracy Theories from the Nut House: Game Theory's Mario Timeline

    Re: Game Theory Tackles Rosalina (Part 1) So I just watched it today and, well, all I have to say is "............"
  4. Luigidaisy1

    Names you had for Mario characters/enemies before you knew their actual names

    Re: Names you had for Mario characters/enemies before you found out their actual nam lol I know I had some, but I honestly can't remember. Except, I used to call Lakitu's "That Thing That Fishes You Out Of Mario Kart" Pretty Long and Retarded.
  5. Luigidaisy1

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Are you talking about the Bushlands? Cause that's where I'm at now.
  6. Luigidaisy1

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Just got Cave Story, and I'm really enjoy so far.
  7. Luigidaisy1

    NEW Mario Party 10 Roster Wants Thread

    lol I find it funny how we have to make a new Mario Party 10 wants thread because 3D player gets banned. Btw, I agree, Petey would make a much better host.
  8. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Party 10 Roster wants thread. (Check back daily for new polls)

    I simply went to rules and read through 'em. Good thing I did though cause there were a few things I didn't know that were against the rules. :P
  9. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Party 10 Roster wants thread. (Check back daily for new polls)

    Oh lol. I knew he could be a troll, but didn't realize it was that bad.
  10. Luigidaisy1

    Your favorite VG music.

    Thank You.
  11. Luigidaisy1

    3DS To Get Home Menu Themes

  12. Luigidaisy1

    3DS To Get Home Menu Themes

    Same here. But maybe down the road I'd put money away specifically for that. But still, that'd be WAY too much money. That's not gonna happen.
  13. Luigidaisy1

    3DS To Get Home Menu Themes

    If I have to pay less then $10, then I'm getting one. But anyone more then $10 probably won't happen till down the road. Hopefully it will be $5 or less. Can't imagine it being more.
  14. Luigidaisy1

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Assassins Creed III.
  15. Luigidaisy1

    Who will you main in Smash 4?

    Wait wait... The leak was confirmed? I'm a little late on this topic, but I did see Shulk though.
  16. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Party 10 Roster wants thread. (Check back daily for new polls)

    I don't think any non Mario character should be in this game. Link is fine in Mario Kart and that's it. I wouldn't want this to become a Nintendo Party lol.
  17. Luigidaisy1

    Your favorite VG music.

    lol thanks bro.... Now it's stuck in my head. BTW, this is pretty awesome. Also, can someone tell me how to put these videos in spoilers? I don't want peoples computers to start lagging.
  18. Luigidaisy1

    The game's official rating is...E10?

    nvm.... I was think of something in game that matched to the humor of Mario and Luigi Dream Team, but I don't remember much.
  19. Luigidaisy1

    The game's official rating is...E10?

    lol agreed. Luigi's Mansion had some humor that would've qualified for an E10+
  20. Luigidaisy1

    The game's official rating is...E10?

    Um, Luigi's mansion is rated E.
  21. Luigidaisy1

    3DS To Get Home Menu Themes Really excited for this.
  22. Luigidaisy1

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Call of Duty Ghosts.
  23. Luigidaisy1

    If Dark Pit is in and Donkey Kong does not get a newcomer...

    Dark Pit should just be an alternate costume of Pit like Dark Link is to Link.
  24. Luigidaisy1

    Do you believe the leak?

    Personally, I hope Solid Snake returns....But someone brought up the idea that if he was in it, it'd probably be rated T. But then if he's DLC.......One can only hope.
  25. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Kart 8 DLC

    That's true. They all got different looks and personalities.
  26. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Kart 8 DLC

    Again... lol
  27. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Kart 8 DLC

  28. Luigidaisy1

    Nintendo is not focusing on casual crowd What do you guys think?
  29. Luigidaisy1

    Mario Kart 8 DLC

    Link looks very awesome to play as.
  30. Luigidaisy1

    Do you consider Luigi, Yoshi, and Rosalina overrated?

    No, no, and no. None of them are overrated.
  31. Luigidaisy1

    Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

    I'm here because of sarcasm.
  32. Luigidaisy1

    Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

    My unpopular opinion? I hate the Mario franchise..... EDIT: Sarcasm.. ;D
  33. Luigidaisy1

    The Official Video Game Thread

    [Double Post] I honestly hope the Crash Bandicoot part is real. Good nostalgic memories.
  34. Luigidaisy1

    Will There Be A Majora's Mask For 3DS?

    Hey guys, I've been going over a lot of articles and seeing a lot of rumors about Majora's Mask 3D. Even a Spanish store accidently released a photo of Majora's Mask price tag. (Which I'm sure most of you know) Honestly, I hope this is true. I love Majora's Mask. What do you think? Do you hope...
  35. Luigidaisy1

    Unpopular opinions about the Super Smash Bros series.

    Actually, I believe Nintendo said they would make sure this online will be a lot better. But correct me if I'm wrong.
  36. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

  37. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

    Forget EVERYTHING I said in that comment. And I literally mean everything. My comment had flaws, yes, I know that. It was misleading. But like I said, I didn't mean for it. So I will simply do right thing and remove it. EDIT: Done ;D SECOND EDIT: Honestly, I can be very defensive at times...
  38. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

    Actually, it's more mature to just simply say shut up, it may be rude, but it's strait to-the-point, and you said you rather be honest and rude. Also, I never said you were a liar. I understand way you are saying this. And I already apologized.
  39. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

    You know what? I'm done. I was trying to state an opinion, I don't know where you got that crazy idea of me being defensive and trying to start an argument. If I sound like I was being defensive and misleading to that persons comment, then I am very sorry. I had no intention of doing that. I...
  40. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

  41. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

    Maybe to consideration???
  42. Luigidaisy1

    The worst game you own

    lol don't take this as me being rude, but you can be annoying at times.
  43. Luigidaisy1

    Do you believe the leak?

    I originally went with leaning towards no. But who am I kidding? This is fake.
  44. Luigidaisy1

    Please Recommend Me good 3DS/DS games. And Please do it fast!

    I didn't realize he already disregarded everyone's suggestions. But still, don't quote like a sarcastic derp lol