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  1. Camwoodstock

    Regarding the Super Mario 64 Glitches page

    Yeah, reforms to the SM64 glitches page is LONG overdue. Those wacky speedrunners and ABC people have found out SO MUCH about the game, that it practically feels like it's almost worth splitting them into subpages. Similarly, the Paper Mario 64 glitches page might warrant this, because that...
  2. Camwoodstock

    Post your current thoughts here

    I'm VERY tired. I didn't get too much sleep yesterday, and I've been up for a bit... it probably doesn't help my bed isn't made so I can only imagine it'll be rough sleeping. I see we're posting the most quality of thoughts first. :P
  3. Camwoodstock


    This is an older dream but it amused me. Some guy (it was never stated in the dream) made a Mega Man X fangame that basically played like the Binding of Isaac and was not serious in tone in the slightest, in spite of being very serious in game quality. The plot was basically chained off random...
  4. Camwoodstock

    Post your current thoughts here

    (Before any of you bring up the Marioverse thread with the similar premise, this one's for current thoughts PERIOD, not just Mario-type ones) The title says it all. Post whatever your current thoughts, rambles, or just general jargon is! It doesn't matter how extensive or how short it is, how...
  5. Camwoodstock

    1,000,000 things we hate!

    1689: Microtransactions.
  6. Camwoodstock

    What are you doing right now?

    Stuck in a car on my way to Grandma's house. Younger brother thought it'd be fine and totally not annoying to watch a video of Omega Flowey but as a Donald Trump parody. Send help.
  7. Camwoodstock

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

  8. Camwoodstock

    What are you doing right now?

    At Waffle House with my mother and sister.
  9. Camwoodstock

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

  10. Camwoodstock

    Look at it! Look at it! LOOK AT IT!

    I think you mean completely decimating the Omega Metroids, because Wario is too good.
  11. Camwoodstock

    What are you afraid of?

    Being alone with no friends or family who even tolerate me, absolutely rejected by the world over.
  12. Camwoodstock

    Glowsquid post statements from wikis that amuses him

    Re: i really do like the site tho Let us make sure not to weep at the loss of such quality discussion boards... I-I'm not crying. It's just, um, onions?
  13. Camwoodstock

    Forum level up thread

    I'm a koopa. It's hardly impressive.
  14. Camwoodstock

    What's the weather like outside right now?

    Mildly cloudy, I guess.
  15. Camwoodstock

    Your current mood.

    Bored, stuck in an Algebra II class, and just generally bored.
  16. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  17. Camwoodstock

    Poll Talk

    Paper Mario 64. And no gameplay changes. PLEASE.
  18. Camwoodstock

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

    04 You can also do that at 3 digits.
  19. Camwoodstock

    Count to 1,000,000

  20. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

    83/95 Thank thank read read.
  21. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

    80/95 Getting there...
  22. Camwoodstock

    count to 1,000 with dancing numbers

    This is the best counting thread ever made
  23. Camwoodstock

    new donk city is a nature reserve for H. sapiens

    It's like Poes Law; I can't even tell if they're a troll, or serious.
  24. Camwoodstock

    Count to 1,000,000

  25. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  26. Camwoodstock

    Count to FF in Hexadecimal

    Rules: We're going to be counting in hexadecimal (or "hex" for short.) If you dunno, Hexadecimal is a base 16 format for numbers, primarily used in math, or more often, technology. An easy converter between hexadecimal and decimal can be found here. All rules that apply to this forum apply...
  27. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  28. Camwoodstock

    CSS in Forum Threads?

    I want to use CSS elements in a forum post, but can't quite figure out how... So, uh, how do I do that? (no, [css] tags aren't a thing here. i know they're a thing on other places, but not here from what i can tell.)
  29. Camwoodstock

    Issue 126

    Using it wisely.
  30. Camwoodstock

    What are you doing right now?

    Getting out of a bath and reading the forums.
  31. Camwoodstock

    Monty Hall has died at 96

    ...that'll be a problem. In all seriousness, god bless him. He was pretty cool.
  32. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  33. Camwoodstock

    nintendo restricts livestreaming

    You gotta keep in mind how horrendous and outdated some of Japan's copyright laws are in general, ESPECIALLY in the fair use department of things. For all we know, these are only a thing because more conventional systems are unavailable due to Japan's laws.
  34. Camwoodstock

    Ambitions and dreams

    Just to be happy, and be with people who care for me.
  35. Camwoodstock

    Unpopular opinions about the Mario series

    I find it frustrating how hypocritical it is that so many people get mad about Pink Gold Peach, but are willing to give Metal Mario a pass. Speaking of which, I don't really mind Pink Gold Peach. My only real frustration is the whole "pink gold" thing, and it's only because my nitpicky brain...
  36. Camwoodstock

    Poll Talk

    What good is it if they focus on spin-offs/core series titles more than the other if they're simply not fun? I don't have a preference; I just want them to be good, fun games.
  37. Camwoodstock

    Issue 126

    NOOOOO, we lost Pyro Guy! Cooking Guide and Picross were two of my favorites! ;-;
  38. Camwoodstock

    Mario games that you think should be remade or recieve a Deluxe treatment.

    A remake/remaster of NSMB (the original) would be pretty interesting to see, especially if it had new context such as a World 9.
  39. Camwoodstock

    Nintendo's official Japanese bios

    On the topic of official Japanese content, there's a few Mario Maker related skits with Mary. O. and Yamamura (hoping I spelled the latter's name right) in Japanese that could take some work. Dunno if this needs its own thread, but yeah.
  40. Camwoodstock

    Unpopular opinions about the Super Smash Bros series.

    Melee's meta isn't fun to watch or play, and I'm convinced that all that prevents it from reaching a form of standstill is the fact we haven't yet tried making an AI play on the competitive level, like we have with Chess. You can only watch foxes rub off on each other for so long before it gets...
  41. Camwoodstock

    Poll Talk

    Minion quest because I'm intentionally avoiding spoilers and that's all I know in life
  42. Camwoodstock

    Low-information cancelled games

    I'd say we do it. Consistency should be a pretty large priority, and even if all we have is an entry in a catalog, we should probably at least mention it SOMEWHERE.
  43. Camwoodstock

    What achievements have you done on the boards or the Wiki?

    Was that on purpose? ...also, can someone do a dramatic reading of that monster?
  44. Camwoodstock

    What achievements have you done on the boards or the Wiki?

    I added a section on duplicate badges that go unused in Paper Mario, I guess ...what did you expect? I'm a newbie here.
  45. Camwoodstock

    Things that you want to see in New Super Mario Bros. Switch

    Bring back the blue shell from the original NSMB. That thing is WELL overdue for a return.
  46. Camwoodstock

    Count to 100 with a twist.

  47. Camwoodstock

    Count to 1,000,000
