What are you doing right now?

Posting in this forum while I listen to 22 James Bond title songs in a row
3d modeling
Studying something. I should get to writing my 'Shroom section in a bit. Just had an idea for October's issue.
copies of Sen III are getting into peoples hands early and theres a stream of it

so like anybody that would try to avoid spoilers, I'm watching it
Currently debating whether or not to make an account for FF Wiki to correct something, considering my only source for the correction is online translation approximations.
Writing down some synthesis on the first chapter of French for this school year while listening to Mario Music.

But God my French teacher is so picky. It has to be prefect and I dunno what to do man.
Getting out of a bath and reading the forums.
At Waffle House with my mother and sister.
Stuck in a car on my way to Grandma's house. Younger brother thought it'd be fine and totally not annoying to watch a video of Omega Flowey but as a Donald Trump parody.

Send help.
Practising K.K Ragtime from Animal Crossing. Ragtime is the most fun genre to play on the piano.
Being antisocial, tired, and a little bit anxious. Ironic, since my dad's parents/grandparents are here for the week, and so you'd think I'd be out socializing with them, but... Nope.
Eating a Strawberry Kit Kat my Mum's friend brought back from Japan. They are delicious, but I'm not going to get another one anytime soon. :( Also eating a Kinder Egg.