Search results

  1. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Best Gameboy Games?

    Game Boy: Super Mario Land 2 Game Boy Color: Tie between Wario Land 3 and Shantae. Game Boy Advance: Tie between Drill Dozer and Mario and Luigi: Superstar Saga.
  2. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Describe Bowser's character

    Evil, Greedy, Egotistical, Self-adsorbed, Kinda dim-witted sometimes, Stubborn, ect.
  3. TheFalconPunchMaster

    LunarTanooki's Drawings

    Thank you. ^_^
  4. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    000-000-000 Mr. Anonymous A. Anon Po box. 0000 000-000-0000 Do all toasters toast toast?
  5. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The One Word at a Time Sentence Game

    Lord Towel Boy Wario rapidly sniffs :yoshi: eggs.
  6. TheFalconPunchMaster


    I had a dream where I fell from a indescribable height but woke up before I hit the ground.
  7. TheFalconPunchMaster

    last person to post wins
  8. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Control the Throne

    Falcon kicks the former person off the thrown. Mine now. : 3
  9. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Rate the User above avatar!

    10/10, I'd imagine a lot of work went into that.
  10. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Word Association

    Film reel.
  11. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Usernames combine!

  12. TheFalconPunchMaster

    YouTube subtitle translation

    "A true paladin sheaths his sword."
  13. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The One Word at a Time Sentence Game

    Lord Business Man Wario rapidly sniffs :yoshi: eggs.
  14. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Things That Fictional Characters Would NEVER Say

    "Imma not in the mood for-a Mushrooms nor Spaghetti today." ~Mario "Who has time for puzzles, I need to get things done!" ~ Professor Hershel Layton "I actually CAN let you do that, Star Fox." ~Wolf O'donnell "Y'know, I think I'm going to solve my problems with rational thinking instead of...
  15. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What if your avatar met the avatar above?

    "Hey bro, why are you-a suddenly made of Legos?"
  16. TheFalconPunchMaster

    last person to post wins

    This ride will go on until the end of time.
  17. TheFalconPunchMaster

    You Know You've Played Mario Games Too Much When...

    ~When you have a framed poster of him on your wall. ~When every time you sell a mallet, you have the sudden urge to pick it up and bonk enemies with it. ~When you dress up in a Tanuki fursuit and expect to be able to use your tail as an attack.
  18. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The Google Search Game (made with my brother)

    Next person googles: "faceless squall"
  19. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What if?

    I would only make physical contact with Collessanos Pepperoni Rolls for the rest of my life. What if you had an army of Pikmin at your disposal?
  20. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Ask a stupid question, get a stupid answer.

    They would inevitably betray him in the end. Does Waluigi's mustache have some unnatural properties to it?
  21. TheFalconPunchMaster

    LunarTanooki's Drawings

    Still somewhat of a newbie artist, however I figure I would post some of my craptastic Microsoft Paint drawings for the heck of it. : 3 My DeviantArt page: Sword Kirby: Majora's Mask: Triforce Crest: Nintendo Game Boy Doodle:
  22. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Name change chain

    TheFalconPunchMaster ---> CosmicTanooki364 ---> LunarTanooki I have no plans to change it again unless I move accounts again. (Which I hope I don't have to do.)
  23. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Things that scare you or that you're afraid of.

    Strange poll... I choose Bees, Insects, Being permabanned or tempbanned, and Car Accidents.
  24. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Post screenshots of your desktop.

    [spoiler] The background was done by MachRiderZ on DeviantArt, Btw.[/spolier]
  25. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The Official "I have injuries" thread (Sorry for spam posting)

    ~When I was five, I ran through the house and tripped on a rug which caused me to ram my forehead into the corner of the wall causing a huge bump to swell there for the next couple of weeks. ~Ironically the same exact thing happened again when I was fourteen, only that time some kid at school...
  26. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Your current mood.

    Annoyed and kinda tired.
  27. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What other forums do you go on?

    ~The Chaos Theater Forums ~GameFAQs ~Mario RPG Boards ~Mario Party Legacy ~Spyro Forums ~Gaia Online's Forums (Rarely)
  28. TheFalconPunchMaster

    in your opinion what were the best and worst memes ever

    Best Memes: "Falcon Punch" and "Do a barrel roll". Worst Memes: ~Luigi's death stare. ~Expand Dong. ~Anything related to Shrek. ~Anything related to Sonic and/or other Sonic-ish things. ~Anything prior to 2012. (with the exception of the two listed in the "Best Memes" section.) ~Doge and...
  29. TheFalconPunchMaster

    The last thing you bought

    ~Wario Blast for the Game Boy. ~Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney for the Nintendo DS. ~Foot long hearty Italian bread meatball sub with mild peppers and a three cookies from Subway. ~Mountain Dew White Out
  30. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What are you doing right now?

    Reorganizing my box of NES, SNES, Nintendo 64, and SEGA Genesis cartridges while drinking Pepsi.
  31. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What was the last thing you googled?

    "Google translate" "Hatsune Miku Project Mirai DX trailer" "The Chaos Theater Forums"
  32. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What's something that terrifies you?

    ~Bees, Hornets, Wasps, and pretty much any other aggressive winged insect with stingers. ~Weeds and grotesque/rotten plants. ~Electrical Outlets.
  33. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Did you ever feel sympathy for a videogame Character?

    Off the top of my head... ~Mario during the events of Super Mario Sunshine and during chapter four of Paper Mario and the Thousand Year Door. (Also Vivian too) ~E-102 Gamma in Sonic Adventure. ~Cecil Harvey in Final Fantasy IV. ~Miles Edgeworth in Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. ~Jowee in Drawn...
  34. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Debate: New Super Mario Bros.2 or Super Mario Galaxy 2

    It just didn't feel like much effort went into it to be honest. Outside of the gold coin showers and the lackluster final boss, nothing in NSMB2 really stuck out as much as what the other NSMB games had to offer. (Granted this is purely just my opinion of course.)
  35. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Debate: New Super Mario Bros.2 or Super Mario Galaxy 2

    Neither are technically bad, NSMB2 just had no soul.
  36. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What game did you last play?!?!?!?

    Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney. Cleared the fourth episode, touching ending.
  37. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Describe Mario's character.

    Mario is optimistic and happy-go-lucky, he loves to have fun with his friends and strives to go out on adventures. He helps anyone in need, is very protective over his friends and family, and has a strong sense of justice and never gives up. Mario does have a bit of a short fuse that tends to...
  38. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What is your personal Mario canon?

    Mario and Luigi were always residents of the Mushroom Kingdom, they didn't come from Brooklyn. Their parents along with the people in their home village all spoke in Italian accents which is where they learned it from. Additionally Mario learned the stomp attack and ground pound from Yoshi...
  39. TheFalconPunchMaster

    post any random Mario thought on your mind

    Alvin-Earthworm is remaking Super Mario Bros. Z!
  40. TheFalconPunchMaster

    What should Mario Kart be renamed to?

    Mayro Kratt. But seriously, I think Mario Kart is a fine title the way it is. However if Nintendo makes the next entry in the series span across all Nintendo universes besides Mario's then I think maybe Mario and Nintendo all stars karting could work. (Even though I would prefer that they stick...
  41. TheFalconPunchMaster

    post any random Mario thought on your mind

    I've been re-watching some old Mario commercials on Youtube(Particularly the Japanese animated ones like Mario Kart 64's commercial, Mario and Luigi: Super Star Saga's commercial, and a few others) and it kinda makes me wish Nintendo would take another crack at making a Mario cartoon series.
  42. TheFalconPunchMaster

    How long have you been a fan and what got you into the series?

    Probably somewhere around 2003/2004-ish when I purchased a used Game Boy Color and a copy of Super Mario Land from a local pawn shop, Ever since then I have been a diehard fan of the franchise. : 3
  43. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Mario Party 6 or 7

    Mario Party 6, but that may or may not be my nostalgia talking.
  44. TheFalconPunchMaster

    Were's Luigi

    2006... Wow this is a old thread. Also the less Luigi the better IMO. : 3