What are you doing right now?

Drawing a sketch where Lakitu gives my FC Yoshi and I our own steering wheels, allowing us to race. Meanwhile Mario applauds for us.
I just cleaned up all my games, pretty sure all my 3ds games were in five different places and none of them were in their boxes lol. Putting them on the shelf, I noticed I have more 3ds games than I thought I did. and more wii u games than I thought I did.
>can only think of six dangers or discomforts for a question
>next question: "your summary should include all 15 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 200 to 250 words

rip me
Lyn said:
>can only think of six dangers or discomforts for a question
>next question: "your summary should include all 15 of your points in Question 3(a) and must be 200 to 250 words

rip me
nvm suddenly went so in

...still only eleven points for 3a (but expanded on them like a boss in 3b) and similar mark schemes suggest there's probably like twenty+ possibilities

I feel dumb but the summer homework has been eradicated now at least
At an Anime convention waiting for the Abridged series panel to start. It's 20 minutes late so far :/
Catching crickets in Animal Crossing while listening to the real crickets that are hiding behind the couch in my dorm room.