What Languages Do You Speak?

Not me! I haven't taken Spanish since second grade. :D However, I DO still remember the Spanish word for pencil sharpener. xD
No, the teacher told us it was sacapuntas. If she was wrong, I'm going to go back in time and slap her.
Vellidragon said:
DyegoHalliwell said:
Lapiz, right?
schmutz said:
No, the teacher told us it was sacapuntas. If she was wrong, I'm going to go back in time and slap her.
Sacapuntas is indeed the sharpener; lápiz is the pencil itself.

That's good, since my Spanish teacher had a black belt. I don't think trying to slap her would work very well.

Anyway, I'm just gonna stick with French instead and say "taille-crayon." Much simpler for me.