LeftyGreenMario's Anti-Wario propaganda (fan art thread)

Where is the plot?
There's not much plot. I just like posing characters and manipulating colors and lighting.
Yah, and no, they're not gonna get hurt or killed, in case you're wondering.
I doubt I'd be able to stop someone on the internet from killing a fictional creature, but thanks anyway.

EDIT: Also, that's a nice lookin' model!
Well, I don't know who Flora is, and I'm not sure if Sheen has a model I can use/port for Garry's Mod.
Does he have a model I can use, though?
Your characters? I don't think you can appropriate characters I have full control over in Gmod.

Striker Luigi said:
If he doesn't, you can just import his model from the Model Resource
Sure, but that'll take a lot of time. Ragdolls is just a never easy thing to import for me.
e button for rotating + noclip + lots and lots of practice
Well, this took me three days of near nonstop work, and the rigging hasn't started, but here it is, my second attempt of doing a 3d model of the older Yoshi.

This is my first attempt years ago, which is decent for an earlier model, but I wasn't 100% satisfied with the results and it always looked off in some angles. I also lacked some tools to really nail the look down, as I relied primarily on Maya to model, which is far from an easy task especially when you aren't quite familiar with modeling yet. Also, I didn't use texture tools at the time, relying primarily on painting the UV on Photoshop and viewing the result in Maya, a pretty cumbersome and old-fashioned task.




But with the existence of Zbrush, I was able to sculpt a model that's far more accurate to the original, at least with the mesh. Since the mesh is relatively simple, this is just dynamesh sculpting.




Since that sculpt was well over a million polys, it can't be ported to any game and it can't really be all that animated. So I decimated the mesh and imported it to Maya, where I retopo the thing to a more reasonable amount of poly and also modeled the inside of its mouth. I also made some minor adjustments to the mesh.



After that was done, I did UV Unwrap with UVLayout and made some UV edits in Maya. The texture sheet looks like this.


Once I was satisfied, I fired up Substance Painter 2 and painted the textures.


And then I rendered the results with the built-in render, because why not! But enjoy. Well, just the pictures, the actual model still needs to be rigged. Otherwise, it's just a silly statue.





Revenant Archagent said:
I am now glad they changed his design, because he looks pretty terrifying in 3D. Brilliant model!
It's only terrifying because it never had a chance to really be in 3D. I hope I can give it that chance.

Moldomré: The Crossover Episode said:
Moldo approves of this model.
Real good.
Good. Once I get it rigged and ported to Gmod then I can try to get it and modern Yoshi pointing at each other.