The Let's Play Thread

And even if he doesn't, doing them at the timeframe he does keeps his viewers interested, and keeps them wanting to see more.
I've got my Let's Play's over here.
Scroll to the bottom, and you'll see a couple of them, under Shows.
Note: Only 5 of them are mine, being Pokèmon Pearl, Pokèmon Black, Kirby`s Adventure Wii, Star Fox Adventure, and All Mario Kart Courses.
The rest have been done by other Staff Members.
We're dealing without Commentaries, Yoshidude99.
In the far beginning, every Let's Play was without Commentary.
We're basically keeping the nostalgia.
Kazooie said: said:
We're dealing without Commentaries, Yoshidude99.

How is it a Let's Play if you do not have commentary to it? Aren't Let's Plays basically narrated playthroughs?

Let's Plays = Commentated Playthroughs of Games
Walkthroughs = Just someone playing the game showing others what to do

I don't see how its a lets play but its not my decision what to call it.

I'm enjoying SuperJeenius' Person 3 FES LP, its nice seeing the Full Moon Episodes, but they dont happen often. And Chuggaa's Super Paper Mario LP is entertaining me, so maybe I've grown to like his videos more. I haven't heard a pun for a while, or atleast a horribly obvious one so that might have something to do with it. said:
In the far beginning, every Let's Play was without Commentary.
We're basically keeping the nostalgia.

The Beginning and now are two different things.
Well, Chuggaa finished Chapter 4 and defeated The Green Thunder.

TRG should defeat Mr. Dooter in KRTDL today and possibly start Onion Ocean.
You're half-right.
They defeat Mr. Dooter then play the Ninja Dojo minigame.
Wow...I was paying more attention to the Pikmin.
Well, lately I've been watching Chuggaconroy's Luigi's Mansion LP, and it's really funny, I wanna quote something from the first episode.
"Now kids, remember, even if it levitating like it's haunted, shiny, is, good!"
I lolled so hard at that!