Wii U

ernesth100 said:
Even if wii u did have halo i doubt it'd kill xbox.
yeah, people would just buy the xbox version because the xbox is seen as a more serious console, and more importantly, the 1 will probably have more games by that stage.
Michell said:
if halo came out for any other systems when it did for xbox, xbox would have died years ago

It would be good if Halo was on 3DS. It would fit handhelds. Still as mentioned I think a lot of people don't think Nintendo make mature games (which we all know isn't true) but because most Nintendo marketing is for it's "kids" games as some people call them like Mario and Animal Crossing etc most people think they aren't mature so they won't buy them and the console to play them on.
Yeah I have 3,4 and Reach. I'm talking about the single player not the multiplayer and I know that some of the big scope and feeling that you're part of something bigger would be lost but I still think it would be nice.
In case you didn't know already, Microsoft has released games for the DS before. (Age of Empires: Mythologies, and Viva Pinata DS (even though it was developed by Rare))
Thrawn said:
Yoshidude99 said:
It would be good if Halo was on DS/3DS. It would fit handhelds.
uh, have you ever played a halo game before?

well a shooter could work on a 3ds, but its hardly ever done, and probably the only succesful one is more tps/action and is recorded to have one of the worst control schemes ever.
Fighter Zae said:
Thrawn said:
Yoshidude99 said:
It would be good if Halo was on DS/3DS. It would fit handhelds.
uh, have you ever played a halo game before?

well a shooter could work on a 3ds, but its hardly ever done, and probably the only succesful one is more tps/action and is recorded to have one of the worst control schemes ever.
I'm guessing you're talking about Kid Icarus Uprising? I actually liked the controls in that game and have no problem with them.

Gene said:
In case you didn't know already, Microsoft has released games for the DS before. (Age of Empires: Mythologies, and Viva Pinata DS (even though it was developed by Rare))
Where they any good?
No, it's been milking itself for decades. Milking Mario is something relatively recent.
ernesth100 said:
Current strategy? Theyve been milking mario for decades.
No, notice how there were notable time skips between titles like Super Mario Bros 2 and 3, Super Mario 64 and Super Mario Sunshine, or even Super Mario Galaxy 1 and 2, while now we get a new main Mario every few months.
Yoshidude99 said:
Yeah I have 3,4 and Reach. I'm talking about the single player not the multiplayer and I know that some of the big scope and feeling that you're part of something bigger would be lost

like the screen size
Thrawn said:
Yoshidude99 said:
Yeah I have 3,4 and Reach. I'm talking about the single player not the multiplayer and I know that some of the big scope and feeling that you're part of something bigger would be lost

like the screen size
Yeah I see now. Still one can wish.

GalacticPetey said:
Nintendo teases a new Wii u game to be revealed in the April edition of the official Nintendo magazine. (And no, it's not Star Fox or F-Zero)

Maybe it's that new franchise Miyamoto was talking about. The magazine will be on sale March 12th.
Hoping it is Miyamoto's game. Interesting in seeing what it is.
oh god I hope not

also when I said without halo being exclusive xbox would have died, I meant back in the beginning when it was new, halo was the only thing xbox had going for it over ps2, or later on wii
Ok, something very weird has happened with my Wii U today. I was playing The Legend of Zelda: Wind Waker HD a while ago (not the CD version, but the downloadable one) and when I went back to the Wii U menu it kind of froze for a second, but I pressed the Power button to turn it off, and it did.

Now, I just finished playing Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, and when I went back to the Wii U menu, the console froze completely, and all of a sudden, some random colors started appearing on the Game Pad, which of course froze too. I shut the console off manually and I got a message from the Game Pad telling me to turn the console on again. I did, and then the Game Pad shut down. I, once again, shut the console down, turned it on again, and all worked normally once again. Wtf did just happen?
i've had something similar to that a few times before with some of my games (ducktales remastered, lego marvel superheroes, and i think lego city undercover)
i had to force it to shut down because it wouldn't turn off normally. i've had similar experiences many times with my playstation 2 and playstation 3 so i never really thought much of it other than "that's annoying. i hope it doesn't do any permanant damage to the console"