Worst Mario Game Ever

The Magic School Bus said:
None of these games match up with the atrocity called Hotel Mario

Does Hotel Mario really qualify as a Mario game? You don't play it on an actual Nintendo console. Besides, its very obscure. Not many people have actually heard of it.
Super Mario 64. Terrible graphics.I've never played a Mario game that I've really hated. I can't say I hate Hotel Mario because, well. I've never played it.
Ser Espiel said:
Super Mario 64. Terrible graphics.I've never played a Mario game that I've really hated. I can't say I hate Hotel Mario because, well. I've never played it.

Well, it was during the N64 era.
Ser Espiel said:
Super Mario 64. Terrible graphics.I've never played a Mario game that I've really hated. I can't say I hate Hotel Mario because, well. I've never played it.

LOL, judging a game based on graphics and it's also about 10 years old; that was considered great graphics back then.
Oh I get it. But you still shouldn't judge a game by its graphics
Ser Espiel said:
Donkey Kong 64's graphics were better. (And lol, everyone ignored the tiny white text.)

Well, Super Mario 64 was released roughly the same time the N64 was released. DK64 came out much later.
You should of said so, since this is a serious topic
I thought Rare's games usually have better graphics (Diddy Kong Racing to Mario Kart 64)
I guess you have a point, although I never really saw much of a difference between DK64 and SM64.
Super Mario Strikers Charged was a real work...of garbage. I can't think of a Mario game that I played that's worse. It's unbelievable how they managed to turn a decent game in the prequel into such a terrible game. The Mega Strike is so dumb. Some of the on-field gimmicks are too bizarre. Daisy and Dry Bones break the game. I cannot stand it.
At least the final version of Luigi's Mansion is the Mario Universe's answer to Scooby-Doo.
J said:
Super Mario Strikers Charged was a real work...of garbage. I can't think of a Mario game that I played that's worse. It's unbelievable how they managed to turn a decent game in the prequel into such a terrible game. The Mega Strike is so dumb. Some of the on-field gimmicks are too bizarre. Daisy and Dry Bones break the game. I cannot stand it.

I liked Mario Strikers Charged more than Super Mario Strikers, other than Donkey Kong voice clips :-\
BowserJr.!! said:
Buut,,, I really hated Super Mario Galaxy & Super Mario Galazy 2. They're just kinda boring.

Many people would object to that.

And Mario Strikers Charged wasn't bad. It was actually challenging for once, and characters had personality.
Now that I think about it, Super Mario Bros. 2 was so fun, the fact that it was a rip-off can be ignored. I enjoyed that game A LOT
J said:
Super Mario Strikers Charged was a real work...of garbage. I can't think of a Mario game that I played that's worse. It's unbelievable how they managed to turn a decent game in the prequel into such a terrible game. The Mega Strike is so dumb. Some of the on-field gimmicks are too bizarre. Daisy and Dry Bones break the game. I cannot stand it.
:eek: That game is amazing. Play it on Wi Fi.
What? I hate Strikers even on Wifi lol. Everything about that game just spelt madness and sometimes too much madness has a negative effect. Between a bunch of weird items, on field gimmicks such as disappearing characters, and character rating system that favored having a team of a heavy captian, a heavy sidekick, and 2 average or speedy sidekicks just made the game meh for me.