Nathan Fielder
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Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments
Damn it all the good stuff happens when I'm asleep.Plumber said:[22:29] <The_Other_Jorge> rabbits aren't cool
[22:29] <Awayfreak> SM, you joining?
[22:29] <UltraMario|Mother3> STFU Jorge sockpuppet
[22:29] <SonicMario> "No, I won't just deal with it! Snow does suck! I'm just going to get the cheese, someone throws a snowball and bang, I'm dead! It sucks! End of story!"
[22:29] <SonicMario> lol
[22:30] <Jorge> The_Other_Jorge = Plumber
[22:30] <Jorge> dick
[22:31] <UltraMario|Mother3> oh lol
[22:31] <bebcow> I sent KP a lengthy rap about the intertubes.
[22:31] <UltraMario|Mother3> i didnt knowXD
[22:31] <bebcow> Then I topped it off
[22:31] ** The_Other_Jorge is now known as dick
[22:31] <bebcow> with
[22:31] <bebcow> ..
[22:31] <bebcow> ........
[22:31] <bebcow> Fuck you guys.
[22:31] <--| bebcow has left #paperchat
[22:31] <dick> LOL
[22:31] ** dick is now known as vanquisher_of_bebcow
[22:31] <vanquisher_of_bebcow> that was hilarious
[22:32] <Jorge> XD
[22:32] <Jorge> plumber I fucking love you
[22:32] <Jorge> marry me
[22:32] <UltraMario|Mother3> XD
[22:32] <UltraMario|Mother3> Bean your brothers here!:D
[22:33] <UltraMario|Mother3> Wait a second wouldnt you guys have the same IP?
[22:33] <Brock> OMP
[22:33] <Brock> INDIAN JONES IS ON
[22:33] <Brock> THE ORIGINAL
[22:34] <Brock> NOT THE NEW ASSHAT
[22:34] <UltraMario|Mother3> XD
[22:34] ** vanquisher_of_bebcow is now known as Bride_of_Jorge|
[22:34] <Bride_of_Jorge|>
[22:36] <Brock> BRIDE OF JORGE
[22:36] <Brock> WAT IS THIS
[22:37] <UltraMario|Mother3> A Reconstucted Caribou suddenly attacked!
[22:37] <Jorge> ....
[22:37] <Bean> SHE MURDERED ME
[22:38] <Bean> FUCK
[22:38] <Bean> ME
[22:38] ** Bride_of_Jorge|is now known as Xzelion
[22:38] <Bean> ...
[22:38] <Bean> oh
[22:38] <Bean> ok
[22:38] <Bean> uh
[22:38] <Bean> Hi
[22:38] <Bean> I'm just
[22:38] <Bean> really going insane right now
[22:38] <Bean> I'll be back to normal tomorrow
[22:39] <Bean>
[22:39] <Jorge> ...
[22:39] <Xzelion> boring
[22:39] ** Xzelion has left #fantendo
[22:39] <Jorge> PLUMBER GTFO
[22:39] <Jorge> IT WAS YOU
[22:42] <Bean> ....
[22:42] <Bean> hmmm
[22:42] <Plumber> oh yeah
[22:42] <Plumber> that explains why I was confused
[22:42] <Bean> so it wasn't xze
[22:42] <Bean> ...oh
[22:42] <Bean> ok
[22:42] <Plumber> no it must've been me.
[22:42] <Bean> what
[22:42] <Plumber> that makes more sense
[22:42] <Bean> did I just type so it wasn't xzw
[22:42] <Plumber> apparently, I am Xzelion after all
[22:42] <Bean> dude I don't even remember typing that
[22:42] <Jorge> ......
[22:47] <Plumber> obviously I am not Xzelion
[22:47] <Plumber> I just figured that out