THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Dr. Javelin said:
Pinkie Pie said:
[00:05] <Pinkie_Pie> Anton
[00:06] <Pinkie_Pie> I command you to hypnotize all trolls who are like "mlp is gay herp derp bronies are *bleep*gets derp"
[00:06] <Anton{Hypnotoad}> I can't
[00:06] <Pinkie_Pie> Wynaut
[00:06] <Anton{Hypnotoad}> there's no brain for me to control
[00:06] <Anton{Hypnotoad}> :(
Don't worry, we think the exact same thing about you guys.
What was that?
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Tabuu|Mobile>: Anton, the plus 2 and minus 2 cancel out, making (X)(X) = X^2.
<Bulbasaur2257>: it makes me uncomfortable to think about e^(pi*i)
<Tabuu|Mobile>: oh I'm wrong
<Tabuu|Mobile>: FUCK FACTORING
<Bulbasaur2257>: fucktoring
<Anton{Politoed}>: 2x and -2x cancel out
<tb>: whatever back to hitler doing stuff with german borders
<Anton{Politoed}>: there's still -4 on its own
<Quizmo>: -4 is hitler
<MST3K>: -3 is stalin
<tb>: does that mean -10 is mussolini
<Anton{Politoed}>: brb pajama time
<Tabuu|Mobile>: 0 is me. B)
<Quizmo>: -2 is me
<Quizmo>: no silly
<Quizmo>: hes -9
<Anton{Politoed}>: I've gotta get to sleep soon because class is early in the mornin' :[
<Quizmo>: -8 is castro
<MST3K>: -7 is kim jong il
<Quizmo>: -6 is tiger woods
<Tabuu|Mobile>: 4 is JFK.r
<Tabuu|Mobile>: *JFK.
<Quizmo>: -5 is Osama
<Quizmo>: Of course we were rating facial hair
<Tabuu|Mobile>: lol Tiger Woods
<Quizmo>: not evilness
<Tabuu|Mobile>: oh
<Tabuu|Mobile>: Hitler had an ugly moustache.
<Quizmo>: i know

I don't get it either.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Pink_Boozooka>: Turb = tool. A very useful tool.

<Glowsquid>: oh wow that was rude.

<Glowsquid>: you called her a tool!!


<QuizmoManiac>: Ughhhhh

<Pink_Boozooka>: Holy shit turb's a she?

<Lilligant>: ...

<Lilligant>: PB

<QuizmoManiac>: My computer is so terrible

<Lilligant>: Seriously

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: ...

<Pink_Boozooka>: No rly

<Lilligant>: I am so full of disapoint right now

<Pink_Boozooka>: I didn't know turb was a girl

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: Boozooka, you've been here for pretty fucking long

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: And you didn't know Turb was a chick?

<Pink_Boozooka>: Correct

<QuizmoManiac>: Smooth

<Vruet>: Misspelling disappoint? Son I am disappoint.

Lilligant slams head against wall

<Pink_Boozooka>: From her behavior towards me I always thought she was a guy.

<Pink_Boozooka>: Vruet: Hmph, long time.


<Tabuuownsall132x2>: First you say you didn't know she was a chick, and now you add that she acts like a man.

<QuizmoManiac>: YAY

<Lilligant>: "From her behavior towards me I always thought she was a guy. "

<Pink_Boozooka>: And is that a bad thing?

<QuizmoManiac>: Gender stereotypes are the best

<Lilligant>: Correction :She didn't have a girly nick so I dunno

<Smiley>: :U

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: Turn the other way, everybody. Boozooka is about to learn just what fear really is.

<Glowsquid>: oh you're goign to show him one of your fanfics

<Vruet>: The thing is, most stereotypes are actually quite true, so I cant blame anyone for that

<Glowsquid>: preferably the You/Neurario ones.

<Smiley>: I was thinking the same thing

<Smiley>: lol

<Glowsquid>: Vruet: ahahaha.


<QuizmoManiac>: I

<Pink_Boozooka>: 1 Nick 2 Behavior [really hated me. From what I've seen, girls don't hate. They just really really dislike]

<Glowsquid>: girls don't hate.

<QuizmoManiac>: I've never read one of Tabuu's FICA

<Vruet>: I mean, they are wrong often, but they are right about 90% of the time

<QuizmoManiac>: *fics

<Glowsquid>: well don,t son.

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: Actually, Glowsquid

<QuizmoManiac>: Spellcheck

<Glowsquid>: Vruet: how does that statement even makes SENSE

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: I was referring to Turb's wrath

<BMB>: Back.

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: And I don't write shit like that.

<Glowsquid>: How can 10% be often.

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: If you're going to insult me, insult my current work

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: Not crap I wrote like, how much years ago now?

<Glowsquid>: two.

<BMB>: Man, I missed a lot.

<Vruet>: You get what I'm saying though right? I changed my way of thinking halfway through the message

<Pink_Boozooka>: No your current work is quite good.

<Glowsquid>: I haven't read it but it's a fanfiction about mario recolors so that's already a strike in the balls.

<Pink_Boozooka>: When it isn't pornographic.

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: What was the last of my "current work" you read, Boozooka?

<Vruet>: For example, I have only met a few black guys that don't like rap

<Tabuuownsall132x2>: Because Aviate is old as fuck

<Pink_Boozooka>: I'm thinking...

<Anton{WorkToad}>: even with turb not being a stereotypical female, which is totally fine

<Anton{WorkToad}>: people referring to her as "she" and "her"

<Anton{WorkToad}>: should probably give off the hint that she's a she

<Anton{WorkToad}>: also, I appear to be lagging

<Glowsquid>: I was making more of a dig against what userpedia is, but okay.

<Smiley>: daww

<Smiley>: :c

<Pink_Boozooka>: I don't focus on pronouns.

<Pink_Boozooka>: I skim through and get the point of the post.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

A rant about Ash Ketchum of how he changes in all generations after Johto.

15:16 Pinkie_Pie Ash Ketchum is a hypocrite
15:16 *** Eltartwork left #ultramariochat
15:16 Pinkie_Pie He says in the episode where Brock first gets Vulpix that what's on the inside counts
15:17 Pinkie_Pie Yet
15:17 Pinkie_Pie He dresses Pokemon up in Contests later on
15:17 Brock He says he loves his hat and would never give it up
15:17 Brock Gives it away to the first pokemon who finds an interest in it.
15:18 Pinkie_Pie We should make a scumbag pic of Ash
15:18 Pinkie_Pie Plus
15:19 *** Smiley quit (Ping timeout: 240 seconds)
15:19 Pinkie_Pie He gets different hats in Hoenn and Sinnoh
15:19 Pinkie_Pie And I think Unova
15:19 Pinkie_Pie Ash is
15:19 Pinkie_Pie a whore
15:20 *** Maid_SexyEspeon|Hunting_Poochy joined #ultramariochat
15:20 Pinkie_Pie Goes with Misty for 2 regions
15:20 Pinkie_Pie abandons her in Hoenn
15:20 Brock twss
15:20 Pinkie_Pie Goes with May on 1 region
15:20 Pinkie_Pie Toss her aside
15:20 Pinkie_Pie Dawn
15:20 Pinkie_Pie And then
15:20 Pinkie_Pie Next girl
15:20 Pinkie_Pie THAT FILTHY WHORE
15:20 Pinkie_Pie BROCK
15:20 Pinkie_Pie ;_;
15:21 Brock i was replaced by a white guy ;-;
15:21 Brock i see how it is ;-;
15:21 Brock as soon as a white guy comes along ;-;
15:21 Pinkie_Pie OSHI
15:21 Pinkie_Pie HE
15:21 Pinkie_Pie 'S
15:21 Maid_SexyEspeon|Hunting_Poochy hey
15:21 Pinkie_Pie A WHORE
15:21 Brock the black gym leader is suddenly replaceable ;-;
15:21 Pinkie_Pie A HYPOCRITE
15:21 Maid_SexyEspeon|Hunting_Poochy what did I miss
15:21 Brock hey Maid_SexyEspeon|Hunting_Poochy
15:21 Brock we are complaining about Ash
15:21 Pinkie_Pie AND A TRAITOR
15:21 Pinkie_Pie AND A RACIST
15:21 *** Maid_SexyEspeon|Hunting_Poochy is now known as Maid_SexyEspeon
15:21 Maid_SexyEspeon I found ash cool at first
15:21 Brock you had a very long name :3
15:21 Maid_SexyEspeon but after the 1st movie
15:21 Pinkie_Pie When he gets to Hoenn he is a douche
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Pink_Boozooka> I'm Jack Ng-Hoff
<N64dude> =P
<Ultra_Fuzzy> Cloudy day. I like cloudy.
<N64dude> oK
<Ultra_Fuzzy> OK... for me?
<Smiley> I'm hugh jass
<UltraSquirtle> No u
<Pink_Boozooka> I'm Smale Cok
<Pink_Boozooka> O wait
<Pink_Boozooka> Shit
<Smiley> hahahahahahahahahaha
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Pinkie Pie said:
A rant about Ash Ketchum of how he changes in all generations after Johto.
Hey do you have the part where I trolled the noob into hitting Ctrl + W?
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework The wiki and its chat are like a middle school
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework Just that you learn Mariology
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And there can be bullies (trolls)
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And the teachers are sysops
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And aids are patrollers
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And Porple is the principle
11:47 Pinkie_Pie|Homework xD
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Pinkie Pie said:
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework The wiki and its chat are like a middle school
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework Just that you learn Mariology
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And there can be bullies (trolls)
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And the teachers are sysops
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And aids are patrollers
11:46 Pinkie_Pie|Homework And Porple is the principle
11:47 Pinkie_Pie|Homework xD

That is so true.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<bulbasaur>: marijuana has a distinctive smell?
<Paula>: Yes.
<bulbasaur>: it is the smell of mcd !!!
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

warning: intellectual content.

<Glowsquid>: A pawn I tell you, A PAWN
<Bulbasaur>: i was a prawn
<Bulbasaur>: in a past life
<Glowsquid>: You're hinduist (or any number of religion that belive in reincarnation)????
<Bulbasaur>: noep
<Bulbasaur>: i'm jseus thoguh
<Glowsquid>: Jseus thoguh would be a really shitty Elder God name.
<Bulbasaur>: yeah!
<Bulbasaur>: that's me
<Bulbasaur>: the elder god of really shit
<Glowsquid>: It could be worse.
<Bulbasaur>: how
<Glowsquid>: It could be shit that isn't more /real/
<Bulbasaur>: i'm lost

<Rabbit_Crash>: I don't think tipsyGnostalgic is /that/ drunk.
<Bulbasaur>: yeah! i'm to odrunk to be her
<Bulbasaur>: wshat is gnostalgic anyway
<Bulbasaur>: why did she ptu that g there
<turb>: sounds like a subterranean animism term
<turb>: or maybe that was just nostalgic
<Glowsquid>: >>>touhou
<turb>: toehoe
<Glowsquid>: brb making myself a stiff drink
<Bulbasaur>: touhou is that anime about girls shooting themselves right
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

This sort of got out of hand.
23:40 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet so kafei where do you think stooben disappeared to this time
23:41 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet do you think he's fighting Sasquatches in Canada or Chupacabras in Mexico?
23:42 Kafei maybe he is battling space parasites on the moon armed with nothing but a frozen croissant
23:43 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet a frozen croissant?! He won't last!
23:43 Kafei You are underestimating the power of pastry
23:44 Kafei he has obviously forged it into a formidable weapon
23:44 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet I am fully aware of the power of pastry, kafei. I almost died in a bakery once.
23:44 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet But a frozen croissant is not enough to kill space parasites! Especially not the moon variety!
23:44 MrConcreteDonkey woah
23:44 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet If he had /two/ frozen croissants, it'd be a different story.
23:45 Kafei maybe he'll find another one
23:45 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet where is he going to find a frozen croissant on the moon?
23:45 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet They don't just have casual bakeries stationed there.
23:45 Kafei or maybe he will end up dual-wielding a croissant and a baguette
23:45 Kafei it could be a space croissant
23:45 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet now come on, kafei. We all know the baguette is banned by tournament rules.
23:45 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet it's overpowered and shit
23:46 Kafei yeah, I know
23:46 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet who's ever heard of a space croissant? Honestly.
23:46 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet Martian pretzels, sure.
23:46 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet But space croissant?
23:46 Kafei I didnt know the space parasite fight was an official match
23:46 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet well the cosmos likes to fuck with us sometimes
23:47 Kafei youd be surprised what kind of crazy stuff they have in space
23:47 Kafei I think space croissants are not that unlikely in the given scenario
23:47 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet are you suggesting a space parasite dropped it?
23:47 Kafei I think a martian pretzel might just do the trick as well though, so theres hope
23:48 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet oh so he's fighting with Xzelion now?
23:48 Kafei sure, why not
23:48 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet now that's an unbeatable team
23:48 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet come to think of it, I've not seen xze for a while
23:48 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet maybe he ran off to help Stooben?
23:49 MrConcreteDonkey or maybe there's a yoshi kidnapper around, and smasher is next D:
23:49 MrConcreteDonkey if smasher goes, who can we make fun of?
23:49 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet you
23:49 MrConcreteDonkey exactly!
23:49 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet you're british and therefore easy to mock
23:49 MrConcreteDonkey that's why he must not go!
23:49 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet plus smasher is me main man
23:49 Remilia_Bloody_Scarlet the lone star, etc.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

I take no responsibility for that getting out of hand, and shift the blame to MG1.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Rainbow_Dash|20_Percent_Cooler blam
Rainbow_Dash|20_Percent_Cooler avast found a trojan
Rainbow_Dash|20_Percent_Cooler oh how persistent are those shitty little guys
Rainbow_Dash|20_Percent_Cooler it's like
Rainbow_Dash|20_Percent_Cooler a group of goombas that you could get rid of easily with a simple shell
Lune lol
Lune that is
Lune one awesome
Lune description
Lune wow
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

[14:46] <@WaterBrock> yeah
[14:46] <RandomYoshi> lul
[14:46] <@WaterBrock> oh FFFFFF
[14:47] <@WaterBrock> i accidently marked all my messages as read
[14:47] <@WaterBrock> ;-;
[14:47] <@WaterBrock> clicking back and forth between windows is baaaaad

Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

12:24 Ambush_Bug Hey crocodile
12:24 Crocodile_Dippy g'day ambush
12:24 Crocodile_Dippy how are you this fine day
12:24 Ambush_Bug Ok mate
12:24 Ambush_Bug Good fighting crime in another chat room
12:24 Crocodile_Dippy sweeeeet
12:25 Crocodile_Dippy keepin' it fresh, I hope
12:25 Ambush_Bug Yep Mario7727 is working with Babyluigionfire to destroy the world with lasers
12:25 Mario7727 Hey Guys whats up?
12:25 Mario7727 ???
12:25 Crocodile_Dippy I always knew that Mario7727 was up to no good !!
12:26 Ambush_Bug He's evil
12:26 Mario7727 WHO THE HECK ARE YOU?
12:26 Crocodile_Dippy only an evil person would say something like that
12:26 Crocodile_Dippy ambush, good luck with your crime fighting
12:26 Mario7727 no not you ambush
12:26 Crocodile_Dippy you have a lot of work ahead of you, it seems
12:26 Mario7727 i was talking to Crocodile_Dippy
12:27 Mario7727 who the heck are you Crocodile?!?!?
12:27 Crocodile_Dippy I am CROCODILE MAN!
12:27 Crocodile_Dippy No one shall escape me and my knife !!
12:27 Ambush_Bug Are you trying to say Crocodile_Dippy is part of the plan impossible i've known Crocodile_Dippy for like months possibly
12:27 Mario7727 how the heck do you know me?
12:27 Crocodile_Dippy crocodile man SEES ALL
12:28 Crocodile_Dippy he FINDS ALL
12:28 Uniju thats a useful talent for a sniper
12:28 Crocodile_Dippy indeed it is, uniju
12:28 Ambush_Bug Hi tom
12:28 Uniju hi shoey
12:28 Ambush_Bug Don't trust Mario7727 he's evil
Well I thought it was funny.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<GLaDOS>: That guy is suspicious, [REDACTED].
<Mason>: Who?
<Glowsquid>: Mason, you're way too sly.
<GLaDOS>: [redacted].
<Glowsquid>: see,
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

I don't really get what's so great about that but at least you managed to slip in some [REDACTED]s.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Ambush_Bug>: Happy Days is the greatest show ever
+++ ChanServ has given op to Anton{Hypnotoad}
*** ralphfan is now known as ralphfan|AWAY
<Smasher>: man i remember that show
<Ambush_Bug>: Greatest show ever also Ambush Bug was voiced by the Fonz
<Smasher>: really?
<Ambush_Bug>: Yes
<Ambush_Bug>: It was quite impressive
<Smasher>: neat
<Ambush_Bug>: Yes that's how you know Ambush Bug is a bad ass
<Fi>: Darn it, I got too into the story again.
<Fi>: This one was really messed up.
<Ambush_Bug>: Fi were talking about the Fonz please stay on topic
<Smasher>: he can change the subject lol
<Fi>: I know.
<Ambush_Bug>: Smasher the fonz is to cool
<Ambush_Bug>: and everybody knows it's illegal to change the topic from the Fonz to something else
Smasher changes the topic
<Smasher>: and i'm an op, so >:)
Ambush_Bug changes the topic back
<Ambush_Bug>: :P
<Smasher>: oh you
<Ambush_Bug>: Look smasher the fonz can fix Juke box just by hitting it
<Fi>: OMG! Wow, checking on Homestuck. End up checking it AS he is updating it.
<Ambush_Bug>: Yeah thats right Smasher didn't think so
Smasher hits the juke box
Smasher breaks hand
<Ambush_Bug>: See Smasher the Fonz is clearly god