THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

17:43 crappy hààaaaaawa g cfdtffdf RANDOM WORD herobrine
17:44 Sapphire[PTR] Why are you spamming
17:44 brock hi crappy
17:44 crappy play minecraft and get diamonds! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
17:44 Sapphire[PTR] .
17:45 Sapphire[PTR]
17:45 crappy you are drunk
17:45 Sapphire[PTR] no
17:45 *** Mason quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
17:45 crappy i am honeydew yogscast
17:46 brock i am simon yogscast
17:46 *** crappy was kicked by Anton{WorkToad} (failed to present a warrant--get out of my house)
17:46 +++ ChanServ has given op to brock
17:46 brock wan
17:46 *** Superchao is now known as SCIENCEchao
17:47 *** honeydew joined #mwchat
17:47 brock poor muginami
17:48 honeydew hello
17:48 Sapphire[PTR] hi crappy
17:48 brock hi honeydew
17:48 brock i am simon
17:48 honeydew who is crappy
17:48 brock i am lewis
17:48 Sapphire[PTR] 17:45 crappy i am honeydew yogscast
17:49 *** honeydew was kicked by Anton{WorkToad} (you are)
17:49 Anton{WorkToad}
17:49 Sapphire[PTR] Yay
17:49 Anton{WorkToad} still no warrant, either
17:49 *** Herobrine joined #mwchat
17:49 Sapphire[PTR] He's back
17:49 brock hi crappy
17:49 Anton{WorkToad} no, really?
17:49 brock hi honeydew
17:49 Anton{WorkToad} I didn't notice
17:49 brock please warrent
17:50 Herobrine you can not stop me
17:50 Anton{WorkToad} ok
17:50 ChanServ Anton{WorkToad} (Anton{Hypnotoad}) added *!*@71.91.h.rk to the AKICK list.
17:50 --- ChanServ has banned *!*@71.91.h.rk
17:50 *** Herobrine was kicked by ChanServ (Banned: Being stupid, spamming)
17:50 Anton{WorkToad} I think I just did
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

11:12 necromorph lets play as an asshole high elf and be a battlemage
11:13 Crocodile_Dippy Will you continue to give us commentary on your adventures as an asshole battlemage high elf?
11:13 necromorph DO YOU WANT ME TO
11:14 Crocodile_Dippy SURE
11:14 Crocodile_Dippy THAT'D BE P. COOL
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel lower
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel lower
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel lower
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel higher
11:14 necromorph i have set the cheekbone height 1 pixel lower
11:14 Crocodile_Dippy I was totally asking for that lol
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

these chatroom moments are Funny
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

[14:26] Kazooie Ah
[14:26] Kazooie Well
[14:26] Kazooie I guess that this time is as good as any
[14:26] Kazooie So
[14:26] Discord GOODBYE
[14:26] Anton{Hypnotoad} BYE
[14:26] Discord hugs Kazooie
[14:26] tb send a postcard
[14:26] uranianUmbreon BYE
[14:26] Anton{Hypnotoad} HAVE FUN WITH SCHOOL AND STUFF
[14:26] MrConcreteDonkey bye!
[14:26] uranianUmbreon yeah
[14:26] uranianUmbreon SEND POSTCARD
[14:26] Kazooie I bade farewell, my epic and awesome friends.
[14:26] Discord sheds manly tears
[14:27] uranianUmbreon cries
[14:27] MrConcreteDonkey shake 3ds
[14:27] Discord turns said tears into chocolate
[14:27] Kazooie Remember to always be awesome like you always are.
[14:27] uranianUmbreon AAAH
[14:27] Discord sniff
[14:27] uranianUmbreon I'LL BE 20% COOLER
[14:27] uranianUmbreon I PROMISE YOU KAZOOIE
[14:27] Discord And I will become...
[14:27] Kazooie <33333333333
[14:27] uranianUmbreon <3
[14:27] Tabuu Oh God Kazooie
[14:28] Discord becomes drunk
[14:28] Tabuu Why did you wait so long to show how awesome you were? T-T
[14:28] Tabuu Goodbye, sweet prince!
[14:28] Kazooie Thank you, Tabuu.
[14:28] uranianUmbreon YOU SHALL NOT BE FORGOTTEN
[14:28] Discord @Tabuu: It took you this long to realize how awesome he is?
[14:28] uranianUmbreon oh wait... it's not a death... it's a leaving
[14:28] uranianUmbreon no wait
[14:28] |<-- Kazooie has left (Quit: *epicly gets away, and is seen vanishing in the setting sun*)
[14:28] uranianUmbreon it 's a hiatus
[14:29] Tabuu He didn't show me how awesome he was until today
We'll miss him.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Magus>: I think I'm just going to fuse my soul to Lavos forever and be done with it.
<Raven_Effect>: Damn it would that make this polygamy
<Magus>: Yes, since Lavos has some sort of DNA collecting thing going that makes it everyone.
<Raven_Effect>: This is going to be a confusing Marriage
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

i meant to type mii don't take it out of context you uh

i can't think of a good insult
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

23:28 SuperPaperFan im getting tired of Kony 2012 comments. THey are on every video on youtube
23:30 tb then their job is done
23:31 Anton{Hypnotoad} SuperPaperFan: have you read them
23:31 SuperPaperFan yes. i even seen the stupis video
23:31 Anton{Hypnotoad} oh
23:31 SuperPaperFan *stupid
23:31 Anton{Hypnotoad} I guess
23:31 SuperPaperFan Have yall seen any?
23:31 Anton{Hypnotoad} people trying to raise attention of children getting kidnapped and killed and shit
23:31 Anton{Hypnotoad} is dumb, huh
23:31 MasonAround I just watched it an hour or two ago
23:32 SuperPaperFan actually it is
23:32 Anton{Hypnotoad} SuperPaperFan supports the death of children
23:32 SuperPaperFan i support the ad-free comments
23:32 Anton{Hypnotoad} SuperPaperFan supports the death of children
23:32 MasonAround Yeah I don't even know how you could respond that way if you saw the video superpaperfan
23:32 MasonAround I understand there are people with legitimate concerns
23:32 MasonAround like
23:32 SuperPaperFan The comments, not the video
23:32 Anton{Hypnotoad} OH BOO HOOOOO
23:32 MasonAround "why do you want US troops involved?" stuff like that
23:33 Anton{Hypnotoad} NOW MY EXPERIENCE IS RUINED
23:33 Anton{Hypnotoad} DAMN THESE GUYS
23:33 SuperPaperFan Theres too many of em
23:33 Anton{Hypnotoad} PROVIDING ME A FREE SERVICE
23:33 Anton{Hypnotoad} HOW /DARE/ THEY
23:33 Anton{Hypnotoad} SuperPaperFan supports the death of children
23:33 SuperPaperFan Anton supports the rise of the hynotoads
23:34 Anton{Hypnotoad} well, yes
23:34 SuperPaperFan EVIL!!!
23:34 MasonAround if you really watched the video, it was about people who want to put someone out of power who has killed/recruited 30,000 children in the past couple dozen years
23:34 MasonAround that's who Kony is
23:34 SuperPaperFan and a billion comments talking about The same thing
23:34 Anton{Hypnotoad} B'AWWWWWWWWW
23:34 MasonAround So sorry if it's interupting your Hotel Mario Youtube Poops
23:34 SuperPaperFan Actually it was...for some reason...a video of cats..
23:34 Anton{Hypnotoad} POOOOOR MEEEEEEEE
23:34 Anton{Hypnotoad} WAAAAAAAAAAAAAH
23:35 Anton{Hypnotoad} SOMETIMES I SEE ADS I DON'T LIKE
23:35 MasonAround ANTON used SELFDESTRUCT
23:36 SuperPaperFan Go on a popular video. GO to all comments. Push F3. Type in Kony after that. See how many
23:36 Anton{Hypnotoad} SuperPaperFan, get out
23:36 MasonAround It's a current issue
23:36 SuperPaperFan it got popular fast
23:36 Anton{Hypnotoad} I'm serious
23:36 Anton{Hypnotoad} get out
23:36 Fassad SuperPaperFan Go on a popular video. GO to all comments. Push F3. Type in Kony after that. See how many
23:36 Fassad ???
23:36 SuperPaperFan no one cares what happened yesterday
23:36 Fassad PROFIT
23:36 Fassad i do
23:36 MasonAround happened yesterday?
23:37 SuperPaperFan THE SUN!
23:37 MasonAround Kony is killing/enslaving children
23:37 SuperPaperFan it was a major solor flare
23:37 MasonAround The people who made the video want to find Kony and arrest him
23:37 ChanServ Anton{Hypnotoad} added *!* to the AKICK list, expires in 7 days, 0:00:00.
23:37 ChanServ AKICK on *!* was successfully added for #mwchat and will expire in 7 days, 0:00:00.
23:37 --- ChanServ has banned *!*
23:37 *** SuperPaperFan was kicked by ChanServ (Banned: Supports the death of children, total ignorance, constantly being annoying)

Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

08:36 Uniju i fucking love badges
08:36 Uniju before every boss i gotta arrange my badges
08:36 Uniju between every chapter i gotta buy badges
08:36 Uniju i was pissed as shit when i upgraded badge points to the maximum
08:36 Uniju i want to equip EVERY BADGE
08:36 Snack equip all the badges
08:37 Uniju if you fucking say al-
08:37 *** Snack was kicked by Uniju (Snack)
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

[20:15] <MCSoulja> soap
[20:16] <MCSoulja> soap
[20:16] <MCSoulja> soap soooooooooap
[20:16] <MCSoulja> soapy doap
[20:16] <MCSoulja> gettin us clean
[20:16] <MCSoulja> day and night
[20:16] <MCSoulja> singin' bout
[20:16] * Smasher hits MCS with soup
[20:16] <Smasher> .
[20:16] <Smasher> soa[
[20:16] <MCSoulja> ..
[20:16] <Smasher> .
[20:16] <Smasher> soap
[20:16] <MCSoulja> XD
[20:16] <Smasher> ...
[20:16] <MCSoulja> soup
[20:16] <Smasher> that was a fail
[20:16] <MCSoulja> soa[
[20:16] <MCSoulja> that was like
[20:16] <MCSoulja> so hilarious
[20:16] * Smasher soap
[20:16] <Smasher> wait
[20:17] <Smasher> that time i meant to type soap
[20:17] <Smasher> ...
[20:17] <Smasher> soip
[20:17] <Smasher> ...
[20:17] <MCSoulja> ............................
[20:17] * Smasher shoots himself
[20:17] <Smasher> SOUP
[20:17] <Smasher> S
[20:17] <Smasher> O
[20:17] <Smasher> U
[20:17] <Smasher> P
[20:17] * Smasher runs away screaming
[20:17] * Smasher falls out window
[20:17] * Smasher lands on moon
[20:17] <Smasher> wait what
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

17:33 PTR-91 `userinfo Pokemon_Trainer_Red trivialWarlord
17:33 ChanServ Added userinfo for Pokemon_Trainer_Red on #9731.
17:33 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'm awesome, but SuperPaperFan i seven better!
17:33 SuperPaperFan Oh op me
17:34 SuperPaperFan can ya op me
17:34 ChanServ Invalid parameters for ACCESS.
17:34 ChanServ Syntax: ACCESS <#channel> ADD|DEL|LIST [nick] [role]
17:34 ChanServ Flags +AORVfiorstv were set on SuperPaperFan in #9731.
17:34 ChanServ PTR-91 (Pokemon_Trainer_Red) set flags +AORVfiorstv on SuperPaperFan.
17:34 +++ ChanServ has given op to SuperPaperFan
17:35 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'm awesome, but SuperPaperFan is even better!
17:35 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan Try again smartass!
17:35 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:36 SuperPaperFan lol it wont do it
17:36 SuperPaperFan ~~i dont even know~~
17:37 *** SuperPaperFan was kicked by PTR-91 (let's just see)
17:37 *** SuperPaperFan joined #9731
17:37 ChanServ [SuperPaperFan] Try again smartass!
17:37 +++ ChanServ has given op to SuperPaperFan
17:37 SuperPaperFan ....wows
17:38 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan Whir
17:38 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan Try again smartass!
17:38 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:38 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan whirrrr
17:39 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan Try again smartass!
17:39 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:39 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan BARREL ROLL
17:39 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan Try again smartass!
17:39 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:39 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan STFH
17:39 SuperPaperFan i did it wrong
17:39 SuperPaperFan `userinfo SuperPaperFan im awesome and i know it
17:40 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan Try again smartass!
17:40 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:43 *** SuperPaperFan quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
17:53 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'M SEXY AND FREE!Z
17:53 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:53 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'M SEXY AND FREE!
17:53 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:53 *** SuperPaperFan joined #9731
17:53 ChanServ [SuperPaperFan] I'M SEXY AND FREE!
17:53 +++ ChanServ has given op to SuperPaperFan
17:53 PTR-91 hahaha
17:53 SuperPaperFan nooooo just noooo!
17:54 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'm awesome and I know it!
17:54 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:54 PTR-91 there
17:54 SuperPaperFan lol
17:54 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'M SEXY AND FREE!
17:54 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:55 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'm awesome and I know it!
17:55 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:55 PTR-91 lol
17:55 SuperPaperFan no yes
17:55 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'M AWESOME AND FREE!
17:55 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
17:55 PTR-91 there
17:55 SuperPaperFan good
17:55 SuperPaperFan and
18:36 SuperPaperFan whirrr
18:49 SuperPaperFan noob
18:49 SuperPaperFan ur a big noob
18:49 PTR-91 `userinfo SuperPaperFan I'm a n00b!
18:49 ChanServ Added userinfo for SuperPaperFan on #9731.
18:50 SuperPaperFan `userinfo PTR-91 im ugly
18:50 SuperPaperFan oh
18:50 SuperPaperFan <ChanServ>: You are not authorized to modify the access entry for Pokemon_Trainer_Red on #9731
18:50 PTR-91 you can't edit the founder's userinfo
18:51 SuperPaperFan lol
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

[19:06] White_Mage[Mobile] OH DEAR GODS
[19:07] White_Mage[Mobile] N WHY
[19:07] Salamancer Dear Gods, please kill Smasher.
[19:07] Salamancer Love, Nabby
[19:07] N WHAT
[19:07] |<-- White_Mage[Mobile] has left (Quit: OH GOD)
[19:07] Salamancer N
[19:07] N I killed him
[19:07] Salamancer WHY DID YOU DO THIS
[19:07] Salamancer WHY
[19:07] N ;~;
[19:07] Salamancer stabs N
[19:07] N ;_;
[19:07] Salamancer This is the ultimate showdown.
[19:07] =-= YOU are now known as Nabber
[19:07] Nabber charges at N
[19:07] |<-- N has left (Quit: WHERE DID I EVER GO WRONG!?)
[19:07] Nabber .
[19:07] Nabber I KILLED HI<
[19:07] Nabber *HIM"
[19:07] awaybrock the finaly countdown
[19:08] Nabber ;~;
[19:08] Smasher you're a cold hearted asshole
[19:08] -->| Smiley ( has joined #wolff
[19:08] ChanServ [Smiley] My neck appears to be derped
[19:08] =-= Mode #wolff +o Smiley by ChanServ
[19:08] awaybrock n leaves
[19:08] awaybrock smiley joins
[19:08] Nabber Well all that's left to do is to kill everyone else
[19:08] Nabber ohai Smiley
[19:08] awaybrock COINCIDENCE???
[19:08] Smasher cuts off Nabber's head and walks away
[19:08] Nabber uh.
[19:08] awaybrock I THINK NOT!!
[19:08] -->| NabbersTwin ( has joined #wolff
[19:08] Nabber comes back from the dead to haunt Smasher
[19:08] Nabber WHAT
[19:08] Nabber NO
[19:08] Nabber N GET OUT
[19:08] Smiley have you been reading ask orange
[19:08] Smasher eats
[19:08] awaybrock Nabber has twins
[19:08] =-= awaybrock is now known as brock
[19:08] =-= Mode #wolff +o brock by ChanServ
[19:08] NabbersTwin WHAT
[19:08] Nabber N
[19:08] Nabber NO
[19:08] brock i am an operator
[19:08] Nabber kills N again
[19:09] brock voctor.
[19:09] =-= NabbersTwin is now known as [N]abber
[19:09] brock vet me vy scvalple
[19:09] [N]abber N = Nabber
[19:09] Smasher licks N
[19:09] [N]abber ENJOYS IT
[19:09] Nabber chomps Smasher
[19:09] Smasher stabs N
[19:09] [N]abber ENJOYS IT
[19:09] brock performs operation on Nabberstwin
[19:09] Nabber stabs N too because its fun
[19:09] [N]abber N-JOYS IT
[19:10] Nabber OH MY GOD NOT THE PUNS
[19:10] Smasher burns N
[19:10] Nabber Death
[19:10] [N]abber OH GOD N-OT THE PUNS
[19:10] Nabber Burnt
[19:10] Nabber Crushed
[19:10] Nabber Eaten
[19:10] Smasher Pu-n-s
[19:10] Nabber Drowned in goo
[19:10] [N]abber gets bur-N-t
[19:10] Smasher crushes N
[19:10] brock bRocks out?
[19:10] Smasher eats N
[19:10] Smasher drowns N in goo
[19:11] brock shows smasher a bRockin good time?
[19:11] Nabber brocks on brock
[19:11] brock sells bRocks at Flints bRock store?
[19:11] [N]abber absorbs the goo, turns into an extraterritorial mammal, and lives the rest of his days in a purple- but not to purple -vest.
[19:11] Nabber N IS BARNEY
[19:12] Nabber EVERYONE RUN
[19:12] Nabber panics
[19:12] [N]abber I <3 U
[19:12] brock barney rubble
[19:12] brock likes bRocks
[19:12] brock *shot*
[19:12] [N]abber Barney = Mammal
[19:12] [N]abber wat
[19:12] Nabber shoots brock
[19:12] Nabber barney is a mamal
[19:12] [N]abber shoots brock
[19:12] brock barenstein bears
[19:12] [N]abber barney is a motherfucking dinosaur
[19:12] Nabber Those bears are evil
[19:12] Nabber Barney has a mother?
[19:12] brock motherfucking dragon
[19:13] [N]abber brock yoshi is a motherfucking dragon ok
[19:14] Nabber So Yoshi=Barney.
[19:14] [N]abber [N]abber barney is a motherfucking dinosaur
[19:14] Nabber Exactly.
[19:14] brock motherfucking dragon, yo
[19:15] Nabber Yoshi is a rapper.
[19:15] Smasher yoshi is a dinosaur
[19:15] Smasher .
[19:15] Smasher slaps N silly
[19:15] [N]abber is silly!
[19:37] Smiley le gasp new dorkly video
[19:37] <--| Pokemon_Trainer_Red has left #mwchat
[19:37] Smiley nabber: I do too
[19:37] Smiley and i end up with SAD
[19:37] Smiley WOOO
[19:37] Smiley i hate my life.
[19:37] Nabber SAD?
[19:38] Salsa bragging everywhere
[19:38] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I /want/ the fucking publicity. All I've ever wanted to be was a appreciated for my writing
[19:38] Smiley social anxiety disorder
[19:38] Ambush_Bug Haha Nabber it's a good thing i've rigged your house with thousands upon thousands of cameras all linked to the internet
[19:38] Tabuu|CrackedStuff And now, it's gonna happen!
[19:38] Smiley no offense harper that sounds like an attention whore
[19:38] Nabber Beat me to it.
[19:38] Nabber Also who comes up with these acronyms.
[19:38] Nabber SAD.
[19:38] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I want to be appreciated for my writing- not for, ah, other things.
[19:38] Nabber It's like the person who made it up had no life.
[19:38] Smiley harper it's half
[19:38] Nabber "Gee, how can I make a cool acronym?"
[19:38] Smiley the other dude is more notable too
[19:39] Nabber Zelda II Sex Scence?
[19:39] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I don't care
[19:39] brock what do
[19:39] Smiley Nabber: BY raping english
[19:39] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I'm still up there, and he's a cool guy.
[19:39] Smiley Nabber: it's weird
[19:39] Ambush_Bug Nabber your just jelly of that mans acronym skillz
[19:39] Nabber Do I even want to know.
[19:39] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I really like him.
[19:39] Smiley Nabber: yes
[19:39] Smiley it worth it lol.
[19:39] Nabber I'll watch it when I get on my iPad.
[19:39] Nabber Which is sitting in front of me but I'm too lazy to reach over.
[19:39] Smiley i wonder if they updated dorklyst
[19:39] Nabber Like in that math problem today.
[19:40] Ambush_Bug Guy's we need to declare war on South Korea
[19:40] Smiley why
[19:40] |<-- N64Dude has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
[19:40] Nabber "Jan and Bob want to meet on the beach. Where should they meat so that they have to walk the least distance?"
[19:40] Smiley lol
[19:40] Nabber Goddamnit obese Americans.
[19:40] Anton{Hypnotoad} "meat"
[19:40] tb who needs exercise when you have math
[19:40] Smiley They don't even give you the variables
[19:40] Nabber *meet
[19:40] Smiley math hurts :<
[19:41] Ambush_Bug Look Smiley I have it on good authority that South Korea is run by Tabuu and Hypnotoad and that they are planning on killing us all using grenades tied to Donkeys
[19:41] Smiley oh
[19:41] Nabber Sounds legit.
[19:41] Nabber But how can we stop it?
[19:41] Smiley we don't
[19:41] Tabuu|CrackedStuff HypnoTabuu is a force that cannot be stopped.
[19:41] Ambush_Bug Nabber you need to run right into the line of fire while i sneak around the back and kill Tabuu using his only weakness Hippos
[19:41] Nabber Oh.
[19:41] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Isn't that right, Anton{Hypnotoad}?
[19:41] Nabber Do we have Waffle Wednesdays?
[19:42] Smiley that sounds like a ship
[19:42] Anton{Hypnotoad} correct
[19:42] Nabber Because if HypnoTabuu has WW then I'm all for it.
[19:42] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I may be weak against hippos
[19:42] Smiley hahaha hippos
[19:42] Smiley Hey harper don't you weigh has much as those?
[19:42] Nabber OOOH
[19:42] Nabber BURN
[19:42] Tabuu|CrackedStuff But Anton terrifies all hipp-
[19:42] Tabuu|CrackedStuff OH FUCK YOU
[19:42] Ambush_Bug Also everybody knows Hippos can't be hypnotized
[19:42] Smiley you know I'm teasing
[19:42] Nabber You two are the most amusing couple on the planet.
[19:43] Smiley slowpokes too
[19:43] Tabuu|CrackedStuff He won't hypnotize them
[19:43] Tabuu|CrackedStuff He'll scare them away.
[19:43] Smiley but but they're food
[19:43] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Hippos are scared of hypnos
[19:43] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Didn't you know?
[19:43] Nabber But
[19:43] Nabber Hippos ARE hypnos.
[19:43] Ambush_Bug Tabuu that's why I have the Hippos the ability to breath fire since everybody knows Fire breathing Hippos ain't afraid of shit
[19:43] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Any one of my weaknesses is countered by another one of Anton's strength, and vice versa.
[19:43] Smiley super mario world
[19:43] Tabuu|CrackedStuff *strengths
[19:43] Nabber Well which one of you can defeat my ninja cat assasins?
[19:44] Tabuu|CrackedStuff well we can both do that
[19:44] Nabber Bs.
[19:44] Nabber summons Doctor Wheatley Fluffywhiskers VII
[19:44] Nabber GO GET HIM WHEATLEY
[19:44] Smiley how cute
[19:45] brock hypnoppo
[19:45] Tabuu|CrackedStuff conjures a certain pen in his left hand and a certain scythe in his right.
[19:45] Nabber There is nothing cute about Wheatley.
[19:45] Nabber He was genetically engineered to be an assasin.
[19:45] Nabber *assassin
[19:45] Smiley like me-mow c:
[19:45] Ambush_Bug throws hippos at Tabuu
[19:45] brock assassin
[19:46] Tabuu|CrackedStuff slashes the hippo in half.
[19:46] Nabber sends in his army of flying monkeys
[19:46] Ambush_Bug Ha my Hippos were wearing being sliced in half proof vests bitch
[19:47] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Tabuu + powers from Resolutions + powers from Typical Tragedy = Not that easy to kill
[19:47] Tabuu|CrackedStuff And also
[19:47] Tabuu|CrackedStuff That's just plain godmodding, yo.
[19:47] Tabuu|CrackedStuff You can't add shit like that after the fact.
[19:47] Smiley harper
[19:47] Smiley you do the same thing
[19:47] Tabuu|CrackedStuff No I don't.
[19:47] Ambush_Bug Well duh I makes the rules cause i can teleport spam and cause i'm friends with superman
[19:47] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I don't get cut in half and then say "
[19:48] Ambush_Bug Because you suck
[19:48] Tabuu|CrackedStuff No, because I don't stoop so low.
[19:48] Nabber Tabuu, you just overpowered your character so much.
[19:48] brock i'm wearing my hippo proof socks
[19:48] Smiley i love socks
[19:48] brock they are comfy
[19:49] Smiley and cute
[19:49] Ambush_Bug Are you really complaining about a mock fight in a chat room
[19:49] Smiley they cover feeties
[19:49] Smiley that's tabuu for ya ambush
[19:49] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Anyways, I'm /kind/ of wasting my time here. That was an amusing flashback to when I used to do in-chat battles
[19:49] Ambush_Bug Also my mortal enemy is a space sock
[19:49] Smiley he hasn't changed a bit
[19:49] Tabuu|CrackedStuff But I'm busy.
[19:49] Smiley gaining weigh doesn't count
[19:49] Nabber Ambush_Bug, aren't you scared of the space carnies?
[19:49] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Smiley's skin and bones, by the way.
[19:49] Nabber I once wrote a comic with space carnies.
[19:49] Tabuu|CrackedStuff She has no breasts.
[19:49] Nabber And a pony named Polar Bear.
[19:49] Smiley tabuu quit talking about alex's gf like that
[19:50] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I'm not talking about her
[19:50] Ambush_Bug No i never lose cause i teleport spam
[19:50] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I'm talking about /you/
[19:50] brock hey
[19:50] Smiley i have boobs thank you
[19:50] brock small breasts are breasts too
[19:50] Tabuu|CrackedStuff very tiny ones
[19:50] Tabuu|CrackedStuff hehehehe
[19:50] Smiley fine with me
[19:50] brock small breast are people too, they have rights.
[19:50] Smiley Tabuu|CrackedStuff: i guess you like having the bigger boobs in the relationship eh, tabz?
[19:50] Nabber Tabuu you are a pervert.
[19:50] Tabuu|CrackedStuff UGH FUCK YOU
[19:51] brock you cant discriminate based on the size or color of ones bre~*shot*
[19:51] Smiley you earned that yourself brah
[19:51] Tabuu|CrackedStuff FUCK YOU
[19:51] Smiley no thanks
[19:51] Nabber Smiley ditch him now and go date GS15.
[19:51] Smiley never
[19:51] Ambush_Bug Wait what
[19:51] Ambush_Bug no
[19:51] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Not funny.
[19:51] Tabuu|CrackedStuff Me and Smiley argue 'cause that's...well, our thing.
[19:51] Smiley no
[19:51] Tabuu|CrackedStuff It isn't?
[19:51] brock tabuu x smiley?? tabuu, we are through
[19:51] Smiley not really
[19:51] brock has rebound sex with Anton{Hypnotoad}
[19:51] Ambush_Bug Tabuu there called jokes
[19:52] Tabuu|CrackedStuff I thought our formula was bitch at each other incessantly than kiss and make up~?
[19:52] Anton{Hypnotoad} Smiley: are you implying that you constantly ridicule tabuu in a serious manner
[19:52] Anton{Hypnotoad} because
[19:52] Anton{Hypnotoad} that's pretty rude
[19:52] Smiley not really
[19:52] Anton{Hypnotoad} well, you just said that you don't do it jokingly
[19:52] Smiley oh shit
[19:52] Smiley i misread then
[19:52] Nabber As I said you two are both amusing.
[19:52] Smiley I just play around
[19:52] tb what in the high hell
[19:52] Smiley Nabber: how so
[19:52] brock i dont know
[19:53] Ambush_Bug This chat room took a strange turn
[19:53] Smiley it always does
[19:53] Nabber Thank you Captain Obvious
[19:53] brock chatroom x strang turns otp
[19:53] Smiley i love otps
[19:53] brock captain shoey x obvious otp
[19:53] Ambush_Bug Your welcome Nabber
[19:53] Nabber on the popcorn
[19:53] Nabber What about my welcome?
[19:53] brock nabber x welcomes otp
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

[19:19] <Shoey> So Wikia will ban you if you put the anit wikia skin newsletter thing on a Wikia hmmmmm I wonder why
[19:20] <@Shwido> wikia, how does it work?!
[19:20] <+Avengingbandit> well see you later guys
[19:20] == Avengingbandit [~Bandit@Avengingbandit.user.gamesurge] has quit [Quit: Bandit > You]
[19:20] <Shoey> I don't know but clearly there the good guys in this
[19:20] <Shoey> I mean look at NIWA it's clearly evil
[19:21] <@Shwido> IKR
[19:21] <@Shwido> like, they do shit FOR FREE
[19:21] <Shoey> (I have it on good authority that all members of the NIWA staff are Communists)
[19:21] <@Shwido> they obvious are evil
[19:21] <@Shwido> i do think that they will expand and take over the internet
[19:22] <@Shwido> THEY ARE THE CAUSE OF 2012!!!
[19:22] <Shoey> Yep I mean Look at Osama Bin Laden his name has a n in it and so does NIWA
[19:22] <@Shwido> OH MY GOD
[19:22] <Shoey> Plus everyone knows that N is an evil letter
[19:22] <@Shwido> FUCKING BRILLIANT!
[19:23] <@Shwido> i bet that niwa is run my my little pony ._.
[19:23] <@Shwido> and that the bronies are a giant internet army of douches
[19:23] <Shoey> Yep everyone knows that flying ponies are evil (there actually drug smugglers)
[19:23] <@Shwido> who through subliminal messages, will slaughter all the babiez!
[19:24] <Shoey> Yes also I heard a rumor that NIWA actually killed Steve and replaced him with a clone
[19:25] <@Shwido> :O
[19:25] <@Shwido> so evil
[19:25] <Accoolx> Then do you use it?
[19:25] <Shoey> Use what?
[19:26] <Accoolx> I meant, then why do you use it?
[19:26] <Accoolx> (NIWA)
[19:26] <Shoey> Because I'm a spy sent by Wikia to infiltrate NIWA and reveal there evil schemes
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Yuka_Chaozami>: In news today, a Mr. Giant Text Wall was recently arrested as a suspect in the murder of a Mr. Fassad. And now here's Bob, with the weather.

<Uniju>: Yuka_Chaozami: I'd rather hear about archeologists uncovering the ruins of #dpchat.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

* Blue_Badger dances
<Count_Bonsula> What the hell is that wriggling piece of plywood?
<Count_Bonsula> anyway
<Count_Bonsula> just came back from
<Count_Bonsula> uh
<Count_Bonsula> planting trees
<Blue_Badger> cool
<Blue_Badger> saving the environment
<Blue_Badger> planting trees.....trees make plywood
<Blue_Badger> plywood makes up Blue_Badger
<Count_Bonsula> ...
<Blue_Badger> bonsey is meekins
* Count_Bonsula destroys all the trees
<Count_Bonsula> (all of them)
<Blue_Badger> D:
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

MM64z: crap
Nicolas-1223: you gtg?
MM64z: crapcracpapcapcaracpcaraccapracp4
Nicolas-1223: oh i guess not
Nicolas-1223: do tell why you're crapping so much
Nicolas-1223: and that 4 at the end
Nicolas-1223: please explain
MM64z: parents
MM64z: got home
MM64z: mother is pissed because i did not even start my HW
MM64z: gotta gogogogogoogogogog
Nicolas-1223: oh boi
Nicolas-1223: baiiiiiiiiiii
MM64z: no imma stay at the computewr
MM64z: i have to use it anyway for math textbook so
Nicolas-1223: better get my ass-kick shield scene boots on
Nicolas-1223: dont wanna see your mom kick ass
Nicolas-1223: whatever, do your homework
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

03:53:31: <TB> am i the only one whose peripheral vision always reads mm15's sig as mario boner 15
03:53:49: <smasher> i have no idea what to say to that
03:54:34: <TB> that sigs pretty dumb anyway
03:55:05: <VINYLscratch> Well, it's not my sig anymore
03:55:35: <TB> what the shit i was sure you were someone else
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Vinyl Scratch said:
03:53:31: <TB> am i the only one whose peripheral vision always reads mm15's sig as mario boner 15
03:53:49: <smasher> i have no idea what to say to that
03:54:34: <TB> that sigs pretty dumb anyway
03:55:05: <VINYLscratch> Well, it's not my sig anymore
03:55:35: <TB> what the shit i was sure you were someone else
Oh, I'm not alone.
Seriously I can't help it, Brony and Master right next to each other...