THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

(((((it's a joke)))))
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Conatello_> >canon (to the movie) comic sequel to the mario movie being released!!!
* Conatello_ has left
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

4:36 PM - Darkdrazer: this guy fell from the ducts down to the cargo bay and his head got caught in wires and he got hung
4:36 PM - Smiley The Hun: ow
4:36 PM - Darkdrazer: then the zombies started feeding on him
4:36 PM - Darkdrazer: shit load of zombies
4:37 PM - Smiley The Hun: :(
4:37 PM - Darkdrazer: and america to the rescue
4:37 PM - Darkdrazer: like for every situation that we cant figure out
4:37 PM - Darkdrazer: we send some jets to blow it up
4:37 PM - Darkdrazer: because murica
4:38 PM - Smiley The Hun: lol
4:38 PM - Darkdrazer: good ol murica
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Puddin> ...okay imagine max
<Puddin> now imagine if max was 100 times more annoying
<Puddin> bonnie in a nutshell
<Gamefreak75> sycamore looks high
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

NEXandGBX explodes randomly
<Scr7>: k.
NEXandGBX explodes with Src7
<Scr7>: *Scr7
<Scr7>: and no u
<NEXandGBX>: Oh... than who WAS Src7? A hobo? (I'm not talking about Scr7)
<Scr7>: ok
NEXandGBX dexplodes

+++ ChanServ has given op to MCD
NEXandGBX has given op to Nintendercules *crashes into a wall*
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Guilmon> when did i say so
<Shoutmon> before school started
<Guilmon> school
<Guilmon> its uni
<Shoutmon> yes, which is a kind of school
<Guilmon> yet there is a difference
<Guilmon> no matter how small and trivial
<Shoutmon> ummmm i guess if you want to split hairs
<Glowsquid> shoutmon are you drunk
<Shoutmon> no glowsquid, why would i be drunk
<Guilmon> and school makes me think more to primary/secondary
<Shoutmon> really
<Guilmon> yes
<Shoutmon> thats great, way to split hairs
<Guilmon> its what id o
<Guilmon> i do
<Guilmon> :)
<Guilmon> i'm tired but wide awake
<Shoutmon> this is almost as productive as that tiem you spent like an hour trying to convince me that shirt meant something minorly different from what i thought it meant
<Guilmon> umm
<Guilmon> idr
<Guilmon> but yeah!
<Shoutmon> yeah you didnt want me to call a hoodie a shirt
<Shoutmon> even though wikipedia says it is one
<Guilmon> WHAT
<Shoutmon> yes this is the conversation we had last time, thank you
<Shoutmon> i was hoping to relive it

split hairs for fun :)
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<Teruteru_Hanamura>: jpn espurr
<Teruteru_Hanamura>: hope its male
<Teruteru_Hanamura>: ass its female
<Teruteru_Hanamura>: OT: PENNIS
<Teruteru_Hanamura>: thanks penis
<MST3K>: lol
<Crash>: that explains why espurr looks soulless
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Going over repair steps with a mate who decided it's a good idea to stick his 3DS in an SNES when we get this line.

<ChocolateThing>: oh
<ChocolateThing>: i know.
<ChocolateThing>: what slut did you put it in?
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<PPLToast>: Pic of 3ds
<ChocolateThing>: woah
<ChocolateThing>: thats a cool laptop

Irreleveant messages were removed, for the record.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

for moofle

«JOIN» pennis ( has joined #mwchat
<pennis> Hey, I'm having a problem with my Wii U. Can anyone help?
<pennis> Oh crap, spelled dennis wrong
«QUIT» pennis ( has quit #mwchat (Client Quit)
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

1<pretzelocky> puddin
<pretzelocky> hi
<Puddin> mornin
* pretzelocky has quit (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
i didn't ask for this feel
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

<drift>: sup
<Scr7>: the ceiling
<drift>: What if you're outside? 8)
<Scr7>: the sky
<drift>: What if you're on a plane :\
<Scr7>: the ceiling in the plane
<drift>: What if you're on top of a plane?
<Scr7>: the sky
<drift>: What if you're on a cloud?
<Scr7>: space
<drift>: What if you're in space?
<Scr7>: moar space :1
<drift>: What if you're on the very top of space?
Scr7 wonders if that's possible.
drift thinks then it's heaven
<drift>: aand that means you've died
<drift>: :'(
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

Since when was this stickied? Anywyas:

User: I'm very excited.

Cleverbot: Why are you excited?

User: BMB and Rocker are going to get married!!!!

Cleverbot: Hell no. You're crazy.

User: Yes I am, but they are. It's this great?

Cleverbot: Anrufen.

User: No, isn't it great?

Cleverbot: Why are you so nice today?

User: You're right, I'm usually mad at you and call you an idiot, but I'm so happy BMB and Rocker are going to get married.

Cleverbot: You are an AI.

User: I can't contain my excitement.

Cleverbot: You can be a meme. Only Millhouse can't be a meme!

User: Millhouse is overrated.

Cleverbot: Yes, Millhouse is a meme.

User: The only thing that may be better is if Cirdec and Smg2Daisy gets married.

Cleverbot: I am not a robot.

User: You're not listening to me.

Cleverbot: Where's the question mark?

User: Bye bye idiot.

Cleverbot: Bye.
Re: ITT, post Chatroom moments

time to get out the fire emblemelbme erif eht tuo teg ot emit

<UltraMario>: lol
<BetaMaster64>: olo
<Pink_Boozooka>: uhu
<BetaMaster64>: huh
<Pink_Boozooka>: time to get out the fire emblem
<BetaMaster64>: how do you expect me to reverse that