THIS THRED IS DEEEEEEEED also post chatroom moments

I would have picked Dragon Tales.
<Anton{Politoed}>: outside there are plenty of other spiders for it to *bleep*
<Boo_Mario>: I don't think pigeons eat spiders, but I think sparrows won't have second thoughts about eating one.
<Anton{Politoed}>: I'm sure it would brave the predators for some nice spider ass
<Boo_Mario>: Well, there are spiders everywhere.
<Anton{Politoed}>: but that's just basic spider ass
<Anton{Politoed}>: what about /nice/ spider ass
<Anton{Politoed}>: premium *bleep*
<Anton{Politoed}>: top dolla booty
<Boo_Mario>: But spiders indoors are bad?
<Anton{Politoed}>: boring
<Boo_Mario>: Why?
<Icemario^^>: Well, if they're indoors they're couch potatoes of sorts.
<Anton{Politoed}>: wild spiders know all the moves
<Icemario^^>: Probably not a desirable prize.
<Boo_Mario>: But don't spiders want a successful life?
<Boo_Mario>: Or they rather have an interesting one?
<Anton{Politoed}>: both indoors and outdoors have their pros and cons so let's just
<Anton{Politoed}>: fill everything with spiders
<Icemario^^>: They can find a balance, probably.
<Boo_Mario>: Well, that's one hell of a party if you know what I mean.
<Boo_Mario>: I just hope they're responsible about spreading their love.

<Mariofan169>: Have you even heard of Whitney
Smasher throws mario off as we--oh ok
<Icemario^^>: Pfft, Whitney.
<Mario>: You already threw me off.
<Mario>: So, it's my ghost you're talking to.
<Shoey>: The normal gym leader
<Smasher>: when was this
<Mario>: Smasher throws mario off as we--oh ok
<Mariofan169>: And don't even get me started on roaming Pokemon
<Mario>: I don't think you can "reverse" throwing people off cliffs.
<Icemario^^>: Smasher, you seem to be suffering from identity crisis.
<Icemario^^>: You're throwing people off cliffs, yet your name is Smasher.
<Mario>: Graveler can wall Whitney to death.
<Icemario^^>: Might want to fix that, one way or another.
Smasher throws icemario off the cliff
<Mario>: Might want to do that over a more volcanic cliff.
Smasher trips
<Icemario^^>: Yeah, water doesn't really do much to me.
<Mario>: Otherwise, the guy can just reform from a rain cloud.
<Icemario^^>: Being made of frozen water has many perks.
<Mario>: It's harder when he's literally vaporized.
<Mariofan169>: Pfft
<Mario>: But, as the matter conservation dictates, he can and will reform.
<Mariofan169>: Just like I was going to say
<Icemario^^>: As such it is still possible, so "Smasher"'s chucking has been rendered useless.
You're Thirteen said:
My girl is leaving for a camping trip tomorrow morning and she won't be back until next weekend, but I already miss her heaps so halp me pass the time. Inbox me or something..

Jim McGinn said:
This can be locked, I think I have the situation handled.

YoshiKong ( has joined #mwchat
YoshiKong Ahoy
Cactus no
Mariofan169 Hi
YoshiKong Yoshi876
YoshiKong Flirt with me
Sergey May I use a translator by Google?
Cactus yes
YoshiKong Sure if you dont understand how to flirt
Sergey What? What nafig flirting?
YoshiKong I think I need a goodle translator for that.. gibberish to english aye
Yoshi876 Hey babe
Sergey Yoshi876, god forbid
YoshiKong Sup my niggah
Yoshi876 Not much, how about you?
YoshiKong Yea same shit different day
Yoshi876 Sounds like life, at least yours will get better soon
Sergey No. I'd better go
YoshiKong Oh yeah
YoshiKong I hope
|<-- Sergey has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
YoshiKong If shes still up to it
Yoshi876 With the things you're telling me she will be
YoshiKong Shes hot
Yoshi876 You still want me to flirt with you?
YoshiKong Yes please, until she comes back
Yoshi876 Your hot
YoshiKong I know that bby
Yoshi876 Like me
YoshiKong Yea
YoshiKong Change your nick to Nessa
YoshiKong So it seems more real
=-= Yoshi876 is now known as Nessa
YoshiKong <3
Nessa This is going to get really weird really quickly
Mariofan169 It isn't already?
YoshiKong Benji
YoshiKong Wait how you change it again
Nessa Not really, I flirt with loads of people
Nessa use /nick
=-= YoshiKong is now known as Benji
Benji Whos sexy
Nessa You're sexy babe
Benji Naw u are
Nessa You're more sexy
Cactus inb4 break up
Nessa Told you you were more sexy
Benji Thats you silly
Nessa I know, you're just more sexy
Benji i know
Nessa I love that picture <3
Benji Its your phone bacjground right
Nessa Nah, your hot friend is
Mariofan169 ಠ_ಠ
Benji Which hot friend
Nessa That hot dude in England
Benji He's not as hot as me and he's actually already got someoneyea
Nessa No-one is as hot as you
Benji Was juuust about to say the same to you Xx
Benji My heart is still pounding from the dance babe
Nessa You so hot, can't wait to seee you again
Nessa I was so happy to see Gizelle there
Benji You can just stare at that picture you take to bed with you every night
Benji And yea, her dad was so nice to drop us back
Nessa You mean
Benji I think that guy died recently so you dont need to worry about him
Nessa Shame, he's nearly as hot as you
Benji He doesnt have abs like me
Nessa I want to tooouuuch them sooooo much
Nessa Xx
Benji You already did
Benji But I haven't finished wit you
Nessa I wanna do it again, they were like rock harrd Xx
Benji Well second week of holidays we will babe
Nessa I know, can't wait baber
Teruteru_Hanamura well
Teruteru_Hanamura i guess its late enough that no one will care
Teruteru_Hanamura and im going to sleep anyway
Uniju good night turb
Teruteru_Hanamura but you should probably put your names somewhere in there
Nessa Good idea
Benji Goodnight my two-timer
Nessa You cheating on me?
=-= Nessa is now known as Nessa876
Teruteru_Hanamura great
|<-- Teruteru_Hanamura has left (Quit: ')
Benji No babe, think of it as a week away from paradise
Nessa876 I caan't stand being away from yooouuuu Xx
Nessa876 I neeeedd yooouu
Mariofan169 *barfs*
Benji I need you too babe.. what you doing the saturday you get back?
Nessa876 Not much, need to unpack, you can help babe
Benji Sweet! I love you Xx
Nessa876 Luv u too babe Xx
Benji I tell you that lots but I don't think I show it often enough. Let's make some plans for the last week of holidays okay Xx
Nessa876 Sure, how 'bout a sleepover?
Benji Well we already know thats going to happen but when
Nessa876 Wednesday? That good babe?
Benji Wednesday is perfect, thats my lazy day
Benji Ima take you out for dinner wednesday night okay?
Nessa876 I'll make you work, you can count on it
Nessa876 Suuurrree, take me to that Chinese place
Benji No how about sofias
Nessa876 Kk
Benji And you should follow me more babe, I'll make it worth it
Nessa876 I will
Nessa876 Where else can I follow you babe, I thought I got everywhere
|<-- Cactus has left ()
|<-- Benji has left (Quit: ajax IRC Client)
=-= Nessa876 is now known as Yoshi876
Yoshi876 God that was weird
Tess it was indeed
Yoshi876 If I'm not nominated for Mate of the Year I will be disappointed

Icemario^^ I wonder how YK's girlfriend would react if she saw that.
Uniju email it to her lol]
Yoshi876 I have no idea how to even contact her, so unless one of you guys does we can't really do much
No comment.
Icemario^^ Okay, so we have some sunscreen, an N64 dude, a Mario fan, a Pokémon, some bumpy variation of Nintendo, what is probably an expert Beta Tester, a concrete donkey under the title of "mister", a random Bob-omb, some pudding that lost its "g" at some point, some fruit cake (who s probably a huge liar), The Kind One (not "a" because friendly people are scarce), a Digimon who's probably pretty...
Icemario^^ ...vocal, a cactus, a spark caused by who knows, an Uniju, a Smasher who really needs a more fitting name because he only chucks), a butler for the channel, a toad who hypnotizes, some random chump who won't stop with the puns and now we have a prehistoric TV with a liking for the number 876. What have we come to?
Yoshi876_TV I agree, let's get rid of the pun guy
Mariofan169 LOL
Cactus get rid of the cactus
Icemario^^ But I'm too lovable.
Icemario^^ I say we throw out the TV, it doesn't work anyway.
Smasher smashes icemario
Cactus melts Icemario^^
Bumpynintendo Bumpy version of Nintendo? No, my parents call me bumpy because I bumped into things when I was liytle
Smasher throws it away
Randombob-omb4761 is that pun guy Pwwnd123?
Icemario^^ Sure, pick on the punny people day.
Yoshi876_TV Nah, it's Ice
Icemario^^ I think I left him out by accident.
Randombob-omb4761 says get rid of the random bob-omb
Icemario^^ I just realized Smasher actually smashed something. Someone should record this.
Smasher sets icemario on fire
Icemario^^ I would but I kind of got smashed and scrapped and melted.
Icemario^^ I was already melted, you bully.
Bumpynintendo Read my user page and answer my trivia questions bill be chatting at 4:30 about bit!
Icemario^^ Don't make me call the ops on you, buster.
Smasher did someone call the ops
Yoshi876_TV Smasher is an op, I'm sure he'll answer your call
Pwwnd123 yes i did play sonic adventure 1
Icemario^^ Oh my, he's infiltrated the staff team.
Icemario^^ The world is doomed.
Bumpynintendo OP can also mean ovwrpowerded Are are Ops OP?
Mariofan169 Is it better or worse than its sequel
Yoshi876_TV Yes they are
Icemario^^ Barring Smasher, of course.
Icemario^^ He's just a smasher.
=-= Mode #mwchat -o Icemario^^ by Smasher
=-= YOU are now known as Icemario^
Icemario^ Rude, I liked that ^.
Randombob-omb4761 !!!?!??!?!?!
Icemario^ Give it back.
Bumpynintendo New Sequel to real life : Being tortured only to die at the end. Its pretty much the same…
Smasher [:
Smasher nah i'm going to look at smash bros pics
=-= Pwwnd123 is now known as Pwwnd123onSegaSaturn
Icemario^ Meansauce.
Misty well minus a real lufe animal so i'll play dat
17:06 Smasher is*
17:06 Misty !play 7
17:06 applesbot^^ <Misty> has played a card!
17:06 Amphituber real lufe
17:06 Smasher lufe
Amphituber said:
Misty well minus a real lufe animal so i'll play dat
17:06 Smasher is*
17:06 Misty !play 7
17:06 applesbot^^ <Misty> has played a card!
17:06 Amphituber real lufe
17:06 Smasher lufe
I am the master at typing on an iPad
this can be considered an update or something

[19:46] Misty !play 1 i have len kagamine as one of my words who is (s)he
[19:46] applesbot^^ Shrek successfully played
[19:46] applesbot^^ <Misty> has played a card!
[19:47] mcd current president of france
Misty said:
this can be considered an update or something

[19:46] Misty !play 1 i have len kagamine as one of my words who is (s)he
[19:46] applesbot^^ Shrek successfully played
[19:46] applesbot^^ <Misty> has played a card!
[19:47] mcd current president of france
Heh. Well, he's the brother of Rin Kagamine.

The one on the right.
LakituderSchnell said:
Misty said:
this can be considered an update or something

[19:46] Misty !play 1 i have len kagamine as one of my words who is (s)he
[19:46] applesbot^^ Shrek successfully played
[19:46] applesbot^^ <Misty> has played a card!
[19:47] mcd current president of france
Heh. Well, he's the brother of Rin Kagamine.

The one on the right.
And obviously in Japanese it would be Kagamine Ren
Well I didn't pay attention to MB2's themes as much as other people
<Misty> >yoshiwanker
<Misty> mine was ningdnco 64

<GutsehMan> MCD FOR SMASH 4

<Misty> !judge whaterver smwsher pucks

<applesbot^> For the adjective Unhealthy, <Icemario> has chosen <Leaf>'s word Bubbles!
<applesbot^> Cards Played: 1. DragonFreak - Inprobability Device 2. mcd - Cancer 3. Leaf - Bubbles 4. Smasher - Doge 5. Misty - Geno
小龙怪 said:
Yeah....Why did Cancer not win? Like, I am ok with most crazy Apple to Apples pickings, but that is just insane.

People can pick up unhealthy addictions to blowing bubbles, you should've seen me years ago when I got a stand-up fan.
Glaceon said:
小龙怪 said:
Yeah....Why did Cancer not win? Like, I am ok with most crazy Apple to Apples pickings, but that is just insane.

People can pick up unhealthy addictions to blowing bubbles, you should've seen me years ago when I got a stand-up fan.
But cancer