The Username Game

Chris Martin said:
Nega-Man said:
I started this thread over at Userpedia Forums, and I'll bring it here for all you to enjoy.

Basically, I'll name a user, and you're gonna have to name another user that starts with the last letter of the username I'm gonna put down. For example, if I put Jorge, the username you type down has to start with E, so Edofenrir, for example. Note the user you put down has to be a user from a chat, the forums, MarioWiki, or Userpedia only, and you can also uses aliases for a user (like Fleep instead of Turboo). Also, if the username ends with a number, be sure to start with the last LETTER of that username (i.e. if the name was Rocker64, you would start at R). Same goes for punctuation.


I'm so creative!
Paper Yoshi :D
Chris Martin said:
Nega-Man said:
I started this thread over at Userpedia Forums, and I'll bring it here for all you to enjoy.

Basically, I'll name a user, and you're gonna have to name another user that starts with the last letter of the username I'm gonna put down. For example, if I put Jorge, the username you type down has to start with E, so Edofenrir, for example. Note the user you put down has to be a user from a chat, the forums, MarioWiki, or Userpedia only, and you can also uses aliases for a user (like Fleep instead of Turboo). Also, if the username ends with a number, be sure to start with the last LETTER of that username (i.e. if the name was Rocker64, you would start at R). Same goes for punctuation.
