Mario Kart Wii discussion

If you want the 300 mph codes, I can provide for you. Be aware, though, that some point values may vary from each Speed code.
I got bored. I thought LGM was gonna use the item cheat (throw items without getting item boxes) but she didn't & I am not sure they have that.
YoshiGo99 said:
I got bored. I thought LGM was gonna use the item cheat (throw items without getting item boxes) but she didn't & I am not sure they have that.

They do have that cheat, actually. It's called Cycle Through Items
No, I don't feel like racing too much. Unless I have some cheats with me to make the races a little more entertaining, but I must grab the bypass code first.
Not I. Someone in the World of Volder came up with that name
Do you have the Homebrew app, Ocarina Cheat Code Manager?
Well when we click on the "launch Bootmii (I think or it might be something close to it)" it either turns into a black screen with the disc slot glowing or sometimes we get I menu screen but the wii remote stops working. We deleted all the Brawl courses.
You already exploited the Smash Stack thing, right?

This could help you.

First, download the Smash Stack. Removed all your custom stages (this means even the sample ones) before you launch it

In your SD card, rename your "private" to "privateold". Get the smash stack download, put it in the root of your SD card (meaning in no folders)

Grab an .elf file (preferable hackmii's installer), put that into the root of your SD card

Elf file will load once you've done that.

Here it is in more detail
Do you have the HackMii installer? You need it

I told, this will help you if you forget anything
Oh BLOF, I have a question. I don't want to hack MKWii per se, but I might want to change some of the music in the courses. How do I do that? I know I have to stick my SD card into the computer, but I don't know which folder to press.
Which folder are you talking about?

And of course, you need Riivolution and the Homebrew to add your own music or else it won't work.

It's much easier than it looks.
I'm going to answer his question anyway

You put music in X: mkwii/mystuff. Music must be like, n_Shopping32_n and must be brstm if you want it to play. Oh, and you also gotta use a program to do the hexing thing for you. But, actually, it's very easy once you get the hang of it. I had to stay up for quite a while to figure it out.
I don't think so. Who was the guy who asked me to put Big Blue in a course ;)