Let's play some Hangman!

Re: Let's play some Hangman! (NEW RULES. SEE OP)

Re-posting since no one's guessed anything for a few days.

Hint: Song


_ O _ H _ _ A _ _ _ A
Re: Let's play some Hangman! (NEW RULES. SEE OP)

Bumping for like, the 5th time, so people can guess letters.

Hint: Song

| O

_ O _ H _ _ A _ _ _ A

Letters Used: E
Re: Let's play some Hangman! (NEW RULES. SEE OP)

Re: Let's play some Hangman! (NEW RULES. SEE OP)

I didn't forget about this. The past couple days have been incredibly important and therefore needed my time.

Hint: Song

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _, _ _ _ _ _ _ _