Nintendo 3DS Developer
No, I mean, we have something like this:
People start with Elementary School (groups 1 to 8, for people between 4 to 12 years).
Then, according to the "Cito Toets", people can go to Training school, VMBO (4), HAVO (5), or VWO (6), this being ordered from the lowest education level, to the highest, and it's also called "Middle School", or "Secondary School", and the numbers indicate the years of doing the level.
Also, VMBO has 4 sub-levels: VMBO-B, VMBO-K, VMBO-G (rarely used), and VMBO-T.
People from VMBO-B can go to MBO 1 or 2, people from VMBO-K or VMBO-G can go to MBO 1, 2 or 3, and people from VMBO-T can go to either HAVO, MBO 2, 3 or 4.
People from HAVO can either go to HBO, or VWO.
People from VWO can go to WO, or Universiteit.
People from MBO have 4 levels, with 1 being assistent, 2 being low-level employee, 3 being an employee, and 4 being a specialist.
After MBO 4, you can either go to HBO, or start working.
People from HBO are most likely going to be a boss of a company, or do things not available in MBO (like Game Development), and HBO people are either going to do the Master Course, go to WO, or start working.
People from WO are for people working in the science, as a lawyer, and such kind of things, and they can continue to Universiteit, Master Course, or start working.
MBO, HBO, and WO are commonly called "Colleges", or "Employment School".
I know, it's extremely complicated, but that's our education model.
The model is like, it doesn't mind you're intelligent, or good for nothing, there's a chance for you, anyway.
I already have MBO 2 and 3 for ICT, and I'm currently doing MBO 4.
People start with Elementary School (groups 1 to 8, for people between 4 to 12 years).
Then, according to the "Cito Toets", people can go to Training school, VMBO (4), HAVO (5), or VWO (6), this being ordered from the lowest education level, to the highest, and it's also called "Middle School", or "Secondary School", and the numbers indicate the years of doing the level.
Also, VMBO has 4 sub-levels: VMBO-B, VMBO-K, VMBO-G (rarely used), and VMBO-T.
People from VMBO-B can go to MBO 1 or 2, people from VMBO-K or VMBO-G can go to MBO 1, 2 or 3, and people from VMBO-T can go to either HAVO, MBO 2, 3 or 4.
People from HAVO can either go to HBO, or VWO.
People from VWO can go to WO, or Universiteit.
People from MBO have 4 levels, with 1 being assistent, 2 being low-level employee, 3 being an employee, and 4 being a specialist.
After MBO 4, you can either go to HBO, or start working.
People from HBO are most likely going to be a boss of a company, or do things not available in MBO (like Game Development), and HBO people are either going to do the Master Course, go to WO, or start working.
People from WO are for people working in the science, as a lawyer, and such kind of things, and they can continue to Universiteit, Master Course, or start working.
MBO, HBO, and WO are commonly called "Colleges", or "Employment School".
I know, it's extremely complicated, but that's our education model.
The model is like, it doesn't mind you're intelligent, or good for nothing, there's a chance for you, anyway.
I already have MBO 2 and 3 for ICT, and I'm currently doing MBO 4.