My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
So apparently, episode five has already been announced...

Title: Magic Duel
Synopsis: None Yet
Air Date: December 3rd (Monday?)

I don't trust this. First off, the date seems so far off, not to mention, it came so soon after the last episode announcement... Wait, this is the "fifth" episode? Well, they haven't announced the fourth episode, so I guess this would make sense...
The title does make me think of you-know-who, and the guys making this show DID say that season 3 will be very "great and powerful" indeed. Plus I don't know anyone else who could or would want to fight a Magic Duel.

Also, vote for your favorite pony on AdWeek:

Funny how they included Princess Luna and not Celestia, even though Luna doesn't live in Ponyville. Then again, she WAS added by popular demand.
I chose "Spike" in that poll, just for the hell of it. 8)
Nabber said:
Pokémon Trainer Toad85 said:
On that note, FireEevee, I think I've finally figured out why Celestia absolutely sucked during battle in "A Canterlot Wedding, Part 2".

In "Boast Busters", Spike said, and I quote, "I thought unicorns were only supposed to have a little magic that matches their special talents," to which Twilight confirms with a solid "yes".

Later on in the series, it's confirmed that a pony's "special talent", and by extension a unicorn's magical ability, is expressed directly through their cutie mark. For example, Rarity's special talent is designing clothing, so her cutie mark is three diamonds and her magic revolves around creating fashion. Shining Armor has a shield for his cutie mark, so his primary spell produces a giant force field to protect Canterlot from outside invaders.

Now go look at about any image of Celestia. What's her cutie mark? That's right, the sun. Logically, her only powerful magic stems from her sun-related royal duties. Note that that excludes combat-related magic. And what did she do first? She charged straight at Chrysalis with a magic yellow ray-gun blast.

No wonder "Shining Armor's love proved more powerful than [Chrysalis] thought"! There wasn't anything her own Shining-powered ray gun blast (remember, Shining's magic revolves around protection, which can include defensive green ray gun blast thingies) was competing against!
I think you're thinking too much into this.

If you thought that was overthinking things, you should take a look around this one notebook I've been writing since season 2 ended.

It's chock full of theories ranging from "Sweet Apple Acres brainwashes Ponyville to accept no industry competition" to "Chrysalis threw the battle at the end of Canterlot Wedding Pt. 2" to "Heart's Warming Eve is an allegory for the Mormon exodus".

Yeah, I've been watching too much MatPat13. :\

episode 7 ♥
I'm most interested in Apple Family Reunion.

We could hopefully get something around Applejack's parents. We can possibly finally find out if Applejack's parents are... well... around. Though I hope not too many fans aren't too attached to the "Applejack's Parents are dead" fanon. As emotional some of the fanfiction or fanart might be, it might be a relief that they'd essentially become too sad to be true. If there is at least a mention or appearance of her parents somewhere and we're shown that they are live and well.

Or who knows, they could surprise us with implying that they're no longer around and actually make the thought that Applejack's parents are dead canon. It'd be really ballsy for them to do so, and I really doubt that's it's going to be the case. But I'm not completely putting it out as an impossibility.
ThreeThousand said:

episode 7 ♥
Too Many Pinkie Pies... I think I talked about this already, but I basically have faith in the writers, but at the same time, I hope they don't make Pinkie Pie annoying like they have occasionally in the past...

One Bad Apple... I'm guessing this is going to relate to Applejack and her family somehow... Maybe it's a black sheep of the Apple family. Or maybe it actually focuses on Applejack for a change.

Magic Duel, again, it definitely sounds like a perfect episode for Trixie's return. Here's hoping!

Sleepless in Ponyville... I wonder if this will involve Luna...

The Wonderbolt Academy, I wonder if Rainbow Dash will finally get her wish!

Apple Family Reunion... Didn't they have a family reunion during the Summer Sun Celebration in the first episode? Will this be the official mark that a year has gone by in Friendship is Magic?
The Crystal Empire episodes have new Synopsis for both parts. THey're generrally the same but it does give a good detail on why it appears.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 1:

Northern Equestria’s Crystal Empire has once again made an appearance after being afflicted with a curse that made it vanish for 1,000 years, and Princess Celestia commissions Twilight Sparkle to keep the empire from disappearing again.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 2:

After Princess Celestia commissions her to keep Crystal Empire from vanishing again, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she must find the missing Crystal Heart in order to restore the empire’s strength and reputation before it can disappear again.

So it was a curse made it disappear, interesting. I wonder if it we'll be told where the Empire was as a result of the curse during those 1000 years then.
Northern Verve said:
The Crystal Empire episodes have new Synopsis for both parts. THey're generrally the same but it does give a good detail on why it appears.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 1:

Northern Equestria’s Crystal Empire has once again made an appearance after being afflicted with a curse that made it vanish for 1,000 years, and Princess Celestia commissions Twilight Sparkle to keep the empire from disappearing again.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 2:

After Princess Celestia commissions her to keep Crystal Empire from vanishing again, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she must find the missing Crystal Heart in order to restore the empire’s strength and reputation before it can disappear again.

So it was a curse made it disappear, interesting. I wonder if it we'll be told where the Empire was as a result of the curse during those 1000 years then.
How in the hell does an empire just fucking vanish?
I smell Sombra
Northern Verve said:
The Crystal Empire episodes have new Synopsis for both parts. THey're generrally the same but it does give a good detail on why it appears.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 1:

Northern Equestria’s Crystal Empire has once again made an appearance after being afflicted with a curse that made it vanish for 1,000 years, and Princess Celestia commissions Twilight Sparkle to keep the empire from disappearing again.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 2:

After Princess Celestia commissions her to keep Crystal Empire from vanishing again, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she must find the missing Crystal Heart in order to restore the empire’s strength and reputation before it can disappear again.

So it was a curse made it disappear, interesting. I wonder if it we'll be told where the Empire was as a result of the curse during those 1000 years then.
"Crystal Heart", huh? I presume Cadance will be involved.

Northern Verve said:
The Crystal Empire episodes have new Synopsis for both parts. THey're generrally the same but it does give a good detail on why it appears.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 1:

Northern Equestria’s Crystal Empire has once again made an appearance after being afflicted with a curse that made it vanish for 1,000 years, and Princess Celestia commissions Twilight Sparkle to keep the empire from disappearing again.

Synopsis of The Crystal Empire, Part 2:

After Princess Celestia commissions her to keep Crystal Empire from vanishing again, Twilight Sparkle realizes that she must find the missing Crystal Heart in order to restore the empire’s strength and reputation before it can disappear again.

So it was a curse made it disappear, interesting. I wonder if it we'll be told where the Empire was as a result of the curse during those 1000 years then.
Finally, a break from the elements. But really, the leader of a nation trying to stop another empire from disappearing? What madness is this?
Nabber said:
Finally, a break from the elements. But really, the leader of a nation trying to stop another empire from disappearing? What madness is this?

They've only beed used twice. Against Nightmare Moon and Discord. They were supposed to have been used against Queen Chrysalis, but they couldn't get to them in time.
The Little Traitor Dudes For Children's Defense said:
Nabber said:
Finally, a break from the elements. But really, the leader of a nation trying to stop another empire from disappearing? What madness is this?

They've only beed used twice. Against Nightmare Moon and Discord. They were supposed to have been used against Queen Chrysalis, but they couldn't get to them in time.
Yeah, but they weren't anything more than deus ex machina by the time Chrysalis came along.
So another episode's been anounced:

Title: Spike at Your Service
Air Date: December 29, 2012
Synopsis: TBA

I hope Peewee shows up in this!

Edit: Also, Sethiso of Equestria Daily got this little video from The Hub:

I caved and watched it. Pretty hyped.
ThreeThousand said:

I caved and watched it. Pretty hyped.

HOLY SHIT! Guard pony with no helmet is awesome!

Also, Meghan McCarthy's writing this episode... Not sure what to make of that at this point. Celestia asked Twilight about a test? Applejack's right, she's taking this much better than usual. Then again, I'd be paranoid, too. After all, we weren't given any context to what this "test" is or what it's for. Not to mention, Spike should know better by now, but I guess he'll never learn. Seems to be a growing trend in this series...

Library being uprooted, that was funny!

A new stained window for Shining Armor and Cadence's achievement... Like, do they get a new window for EVERYTHING that happens in Canterlot? I know the Changeling invasion was big, but surely there must have been OTHER big achievements in Canterlot's history... You'd think they'd run out of window space, is all I'm saying.

Looks like they realized that Luna should have a more important role in the series. Also, SHADING! Like, I was thinking how that exchange between Celestia and Luna was unusual, and I finally realized it. How often do you see actual shading in the series. Usually it's just either light or dark with very little shadows or shade. I like!

Crystal Empire and backstory. Some people hate having new information thrown at us like this. I'm more accepting of it since, you know, TV show based on a toy franchise. I'm more forgiving, given that I feel the writers probably did their best with what Hasbro gave them.

King Sombra seems so badass... I can't WANT to see this episode and how awesome Sombra is (comparisons to the previous antagonists seem inevitable, and I look forward to that, too).

SHIT! When Celestia's eyes when all evil like King Sombra's, I was all confused! But... Wait... Shadows... And this was a thousand years ago? I wonder...

Celestia has confidence... Luna, not so much... Makes me wonder... Also, "next level of your studies"? What could THAT mean?! GEEZ, so much to get hyped over!!! But wait, why Twilight? This seems to lead back to Celestia and this sort of "destiny" that Twilight has that Celestia seems to know about... And yet, Luna offered to go, so it can't JUST be up to her, could it?

Funny how this conversation has nothing to do with a test... Or at least not the test she was expecting... Makes the lines "I wasn't prepared for this" more meaningful and clear.

So much stuff to talk about... So much to get hyped over!!!
I still can't believe this thread is still being posted on...