Star Spirit
I think I'll give some links to some of the most entertaining Ask Pony blogs (That are at least 90% safe for work)
Like these Luna blogs (The last one is a tad creepy but nothing too bad. The worse it gets is some creepy Zalgo type stuff coming out of Luna's eyes), Derpy, Discord, Octavia, Two Spikes, Blueblood (He's just as bit a prick as he is in the show in this blog, but most of the blog is still funny anyway), and Surprise
For the main 6: Three Different Twilights, Two Pinkies, Rarity, Two Fluttershys, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. You can also find the Cutie Mark Crusaders as well.
Also a few Multi-Pony blogs. Like Pinkie and her sisters, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, and last but not least for now Applejack and Rarity
Like these Luna blogs (The last one is a tad creepy but nothing too bad. The worse it gets is some creepy Zalgo type stuff coming out of Luna's eyes), Derpy, Discord, Octavia, Two Spikes, Blueblood (He's just as bit a prick as he is in the show in this blog, but most of the blog is still funny anyway), and Surprise
For the main 6: Three Different Twilights, Two Pinkies, Rarity, Two Fluttershys, Rainbow Dash, and Applejack. You can also find the Cutie Mark Crusaders as well.
Also a few Multi-Pony blogs. Like Pinkie and her sisters, Rainbow Dash and Applejack, Pinkie Pie and Fluttershy, and last but not least for now Applejack and Rarity