My Little Pony Friendship is Magic

Favourite pony out of the main bunch?

  • Twilight Sparkle

    Votes: 25 16.4%
  • Pinkie Pie

    Votes: 29 19.1%
  • Applejack

    Votes: 14 9.2%
  • Rainbow Dash

    Votes: 30 19.7%
  • Rarity

    Votes: 18 11.8%
  • Fluttershy

    Votes: 36 23.7%

  • Total voters
Cool, wait what?!
Northern Verve said:
ernesth100 said:
Dang Fluttershy is still best pony?

Talking about the poll here? Yeah though Rainbow Dash is only one vote behind and Twilight's not too far behind
screw you guys

applejack is the only one i somewhat enjoyed

So, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, but... I was honestly laughing at the show, and not just Joshscorcher's commentary on it, in his latest review.

I... I can't...I... rrrrrrrrrr... Okay.

I plan to watch more of this show to give it more of a chance.

There. I can't believe I said it.

I'll be going now.
Dr. Javelin said:
So, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, but... I was honestly laughing at the show, and not just Joshscorcher's commentary on it, in his latest review.

I... I can't...I... rrrrrrrrrr... Okay.

I plan to watch more of this show to give it more of a chance.

There. I can't believe I said it.

I'll be going now.

Its not for everyone. But hey, hope you get something out of it; I know I love it. Thanks for being willing to give it a chance; many don't even give it that.
Dr. Javelin said:
Northern Verve said:
ernesth100 said:
Dang Fluttershy is still best pony?

Talking about the poll here? Yeah though Rainbow Dash is only one vote behind and Twilight's not too far behind
screw you guys

applejack is the only one i somewhat enjoyed

So, I'm somewhat ashamed to admit it, but... I was honestly laughing at the show, and not just Joshscorcher's commentary on it, in his latest review.

I... I can't...I... rrrrrrrrrr... Okay.

I plan to watch more of this show to give it more of a chance.

There. I can't believe I said it.

I'll be going now.
my jaw just droped
ernesth100 said:
Watch Canterlot Wedding. Best episode of the series by far.

Well, the song maybe. Personally, my favorite is probably either Lesson Zero, Hurricane Fluttershy, or Magical Mystery Cure (Don't kill me)
Amphituber said:
Its not for everyone.
yeah, i already watched winter wrap-up (i think that was what it was called) and thought it was dumb

and i think all the main cast (except twilight and applejack) are completely stupid/annoying
Amphituber said:
But hey, hope you get something out of it; I know I love it. Thanks for being willing to give it a chance; many don't even give it that.
i try to be fair-minded, which is the only reason i'm willing to do this
ernesth100 said:
Watch Canterlot Wedding. Best episode of the series by far.
I liked A Canterlot Wedding also, I just find it annoying that they only have a villain for one two-parter. Seriously, I thought I would be in more episodes than I was where I was evil...
Well, in my opinion Chrysalis is the most interesting villain in the series, despite being a "one-shot" villain. The lyrics to This Day Aria hint at so many fascinating things about her character through just one line. She's a blank slate from which a number of awesome backstories can be drawn.
Fine. Chrysalis actually kept evil albeit Celestia was just like "I'm gonna kill you!" and she does!

Hint: I'm better than her.
There's alot of episodes I like. But there's a select few that I really love that I consider some of the best of the series

Season 1
Cutie Mark Chronicles

Season 2
Lesson Zero
Hurricane Fluttershy
Canterlot Wedding

Season 3
Magic Duel
Magical Mystery Cure

Season 4
Princess Twilight Sparkle
Pinkie Pride

There's plenty of good or great episodes. But these 8 (Well 10 if you count the two-parters as two episodes) I think have a special something to them in my honest opinion.
ernesth100 said:
Anything where Pinkie Pie is, being funny.
pinkie pie is one of the most annoying characters in existence

she compounds this issue by breaking into random songs at random times

honestly, she's probably the worst out of the main six
Dr. Javelin said:
ernesth100 said:
Anything where Pinkie Pie is, being funny.
pinkie pie is one of the most annoying characters in existence

she compounds this issue by breaking into random songs at random times

honestly, she's probably the worst out of the main six

I think for the most part she's stopped doing random songs at the drop of a dime after mid-Season 2 (And even then she only did the random song to entertain babies)

I know Pinkie also isn't exactly the most consistent character. But I really can't hate Pinkie after an episode like say... Pinkie Pride from Season 4 (Which should be interesting to note, is that Weird Al was a guest voice actor in that episode. But unlike most celebrity guest episodes in cartoons. Weird Al's character doesn't take the entire spotlight as much as you would think)
Dr. Javelin said:
ernesth100 said:
Anything where Pinkie Pie is, being funny.
pinkie pie is one of the most annoying characters in existence

she compounds this issue by breaking into random songs at random times

honestly, she's probably the worst out of the main six

Its interesting you say that. Her songs are often exactly why people love her.
ernesth100 said:
Dr. Javelin said:
ernesth100 said:
Anything where Pinkie Pie is, being funny.
pinkie pie is one of the most annoying characters in existence

she compounds this issue by breaking into random songs at random times

honestly, she's probably the worst out of the main six

Exactly. Pinkie is my 2nd favourite.