Who do you think is the most mature user?

Lily said:
if he was a genius and was so mature, why was he permbanned
actually, I take back about me being the most immature, sonicballz was, he didn't know who shigeru miyamoto was, and ne was clueless about the mario awards here.

He was permabanned for being too amazing for the board to handle. In a mutual decision, it was decided that Rudnicki would be forced to leave so that the site wouldn't explode with awesomeness.

That, and he wanted to have sex with Ashley.
Lily said:
if he was a genius and was so mature, why was he permbanned
actually, I take back about me being the most immature, sonicballz was, he didn't know who shigeru miyamoto was, and ne was clueless about the mario awards here.

This somehow defines immaturity.

Edo and Yami
Lily said:
if he was a genius and was so mature, why was he permbanned
actually, I take back about me being the most immature, sonicballz was, he didn't know who shigeru miyamoto was, and ne was clueless about the mario awards here.
I've been mentioned here? o_O

Well, obviously I'm not trying hard enough...
I'm never considered mature. I think I act much younger than I really am.

My sister is less mature than me, I think.
Ornithologist Mario said:
I'm never considered mature. I think I act much younger than I really am.

Well, I'd say I act more mature than most of the 12-yer olds I know in Finland, but that's just because they are cocky, rude or just dóuche.

My mental age is 14.
I've noticed that on YouTube today, he said the following:
"PYHÄ PASKA! Mitä hittoa noi koiranpäät tekee avaruudessa tossa ekassa?"
"Eikä se oo pyörän vika et sä oot nii luuseri ajamisessa!"

I couldn't understand it at all, but the second sentence felt like an insult, for some reason.
Yami, are you talking about me?

I'm honest with that I have never seen that comment, it's not mine and I eouldn't ever post that rude stuff.
I know it wasn't you, I'm just confirming your statement.
Ok, that's good. I can translate that 'stupid' post to English.

HOLY SHIT! What the hell are those heads of dogs doimg in the space on the first one?
And it's not bikes fault you're so loser in driving.
Besides, it doesn't fit your personality either.
Most kids in my year group are serious nerds who piss me off, the ultra popular ones, who are okish sometimes, the slow learners, some are actually quite sweet but they do annoy me a bit or the badasses who smoke and do drugs.
I fit none of those criteria, Im a Smart goth fun girl with minor anger problems who is very anti-drug.
