Count until a girl/woman posts

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An ornithologist is a person studying birds, bluntly.

No, I know. Mario is awesome.
I don't know.
This is gonna sound inappropriate but I wanted to also know the official term for "one who studies turtles" and here it is:

A herpetologist is a person who studies reptiles and amphibians (including turtles). :eekdance:
So there you have it Aqua Soul!!!

And @OM, Mario is the SH!T! LOL
I hope you mean it in a good way.

C'mon guys! Are you too scared to count now?
Yes I meant that in a fun/good way, I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings! And yeah! I think all the boys are too scared now! haha They know we're on here!! :evilgrin:

He's not scared of nothing. So is he scared of everything?
He's not scared of no bugs and anger issues, though.

Message when you lose a life: TOO BAD!
I was only taking your double negatives literally, LOL.

O wait I was too late
You are never too late.
You can be too early though
Or too in time.
We should make the count go down in the negatives by now.
I see only one guy counting actually
Aqua Soul, right?

Get your post counts (and your hopes) up, man!
It sounds like simple arithmetic to me.
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