Control the Topic

Pimps, nuff said.
New topic: Child ganondorf and Sumo Link for LoZ SS
Sounds creepy and interesting at the same time.

New Topic: Colbert Super PAC (You never heard of it, have you?)
nabber said:
Pretty annoying.

New Topic: The return of :bowser: fights in Super Mario 3D Land
They're gonna be easy
New Topic: Smashy
Never played the game she is in.

New Topic:Super Mario 3D Land
I'd rather go through a warp pipe. They'd make travelling much faster, easier, safer, and convenient.

New Topic: Kevinbolk's "It sucks to be Weegee" comic strip series.
How come Smasher gets his own smiley? That's not fair! :( That's pretty cool, but I'll stick with using the regular Yoshi smiley.

New Topic: Nintendrawer's "Cake in the oven" comic strip series.