What video games did you grow up with in your childhood?

Super Smash Bros. I was too scared to play most Mario games back then.
I was afraid that I will die.

Yeah, they have a name for that. :P
I clearly remember getting a Game Boy SP and Pokemon LeafGreen for my 8th or 9th birthday. Thus began a gaming lifestyle...

I got a Gamecube for Christmas earlier though. Animal Crossing was the first game I think.
Lots of PS2 games.
Sonic heroes I remeber was one of them
My brother had a Nintendo 64. I vaguely remember most of the games I played as a little kid, but I think I can recall Diddy Kong Racing, Banjo-Kazooie, Super Smash Bros. and Super Mario 64.

He didn't end up getting a GameCube even though he wanted one, though. :v
I grew up with the N64. Ever since I was 3 actually.

Mario Kart 64
Holden Racing Game
Yoshi's Story
Goldeneye 007
Mario Tennis
Micromachines (PlayStation)
Well, the games that marked my childhood was basically Super Mario Bros., Super Mario Bros. 3, Super Mario World, and, OF COURSE, Super Mario World 2 Yoshi's Island... That one was GREAT...

Fun fact: Every active user here who is not a mod is automatically a newbie.

On-topic: I grew up on Mario and Pokemon, mostly.
I played Spyro and Crash a lot, I used to love the crossover games, I had the Crash version and by brother had the Spyro version.
I remember good ol' rayman advanced, my brother was stuckmon the music place, I think. He had Rayman 3 as well.
Yep thats the one. I prefered Advance to 3, as a child Advance was more cute, girly and less furstrating than 3.