Nintendo Faces Lawsuit Over 3DS


Power Star

I hope Nintendo doesn't get sued
Yes, Nintendo will definitely stop making 3DSes.

If Nintendo loses this, then I will have lost all faith in our legal system. The McDonald's coffee thing was bad enough.
Dr. Javelin said:
If Nintendo loses this, then I will have lost all faith in our legal system. The McDonald's coffee thing was bad enough.

Personally I'll lose faith in all of humanity. Was the McDonald's thing about an old lady who spilled coffee on herself while her daughter was driving a car? I heard about that in my government class. I don't see why the government is wasting time with this kind of stuff while they let the real criminals go free (like that woman who killed her own child). What has the world come to?
Wait, seriously?

Dr. Javelin said:
If Nintendo loses this, then I will have lost all faith in our legal system.
I don't think you read my post correctly. I was simply agreeing with you.
"Nintendo has been sued so many times since they first became a video game company it's not even funny. People try to find the slightest of similarities between their own products and Nintendo's and use it to get a fast one on them.
They know that Nintendo is a big brand name company that brings in billions of dollars every year, so they probably thought it was easy money. They also don’t seem to care that such a beloved company like Nintendo might make them go out of business because of this lawsuit.
It’s all about the money… So screw everybody else!"

I found this comment on the website. It's pretty much my exact feelings on the subject.
Video game companies don't get sued so much, compared to smartphone companies.
I mean, I usually read companies like Apple, HTC, Samsung, Microsoft, Google, Motorola, etc. get sued due to patents on smartphone hardware/software about 4 times a week (average).
Companies like Nintendo, Sony, Microsoft, etc., in the other fact, don't get sued so much about patents on video game hardware/software.
Wow, why are people greedy enough to sue things that have the slightest copy over this? This is ridiculous. Nintendo will win for sure.
That's how they do.
Even if you use an icon, simular to another icon, you can get sued for it.
Look at this:

Or something less relevant:

I don't think people "copying" those icons were intending to
I know, I just mean like in how far people can get, just for more money.
Next thing that is going to get sued is that the buttons use the same color as the other one
Dr. Javelin said:
If Nintendo loses this, then I will have lost all faith in our legal system. The McDonald's coffee thing was bad enough.
You know it's one Japanese company suing another Japanese company. I doubt America's legal system is going to get involved at all.
People are seriously lame. "Oh, we have to sue because they stole an idea we have made/thought of before them!" It makes me so annoyed that people get so raged just because of the littliest factor so that they can get the money. Stupid economy, look at what we've come to.
Well it was their idea. And Nintendo is making lots of money off it without paying them. That's not right. Only if the 3DS is actually in violation of the patent of course.
If Nintendo loses I'll be sad but I doubt it.
But on the other hand, Remember Nintendo got sued for Donkey Kong? They won even that.
Nintendo has got sued in the past before. Their legal protection is really strong(obviously, since they're such a big company.)
Big N will get out of this without losing money or just having to give away a miserable part of their profit.(most likely the 1st)
you cannot beat a millionaire company even if you do have the right. It's the way of the world.
Remember, they took on Universal over King Kong looking like Donkey Kong, and they won. They also had the N64 "Mario Party" Incident, and still got away. They can win again, and they probably will, or at least be able to make 3DS's.
GutsehMan said:
Remember, they took on Universal over King Kong looking like Donkey Kong, and they won. They also had the N64 "Mario Party" Incident, and still got away. They can win again, and they probably will, or at least be able to make 3DS's.

Are you talking about the control stick spinning mini-games? I heard Nintendo lost that one.
Really, why does one company think that just because it has this fancy 3D technology, it means that other contraptions won't be able to utilize it? Should Nintendo get sued for using control sticks, just because it was done before?