Official List of Homestuck Names

Jack Noir said:
Have you even read Homestuck? If so, where are you?
Act 3
apocalypseArisen said:
Ice Luigi said:
Jack Noir said:
Ice Luigi said:
I see Supremo has joined the name change fad.

I might consider changing to Lord English.
It's kinda hard to change to Lord English when we've never even seen him. Except maybe a sliver of his coat when he was facing Aradia's ancestor.
I was thinking of someone else *facepalm*

Doc Scratch you mean?

Why is everyone jumping on the Homestuck bandwagon all of a sudden, srsly.
Cause some people didn't like it, like me, but they gave it a chance, like me, and they got into it, like me.
apocalypseArisen said:
Why is everyone jumping on the Homestuck bandwagon all of a sudden, srsly.
It's our own fault, we attacked them for hating Homestuck, then they got addicted.

Heh heh heh...
grimAuxiliatrix said:
Cause some people didn't like it, like me, but they gave it a chance, like me, and they got into it, like me.

Jack Noir said:
It's our own fault, we attacked them for hating Homestuck, then they got addicted.

Heh heh heh...

These two quotes are so true.
tC is currently unused, so you should remove the underline on it, plus the underline on Becquerel.
grimAuxiliatrix said:
GF75 is out of the fad now, so Gamzee is now open.
Honestly, this is getting pretty ridiculous.

I don't know if I'll ever use the name again, but I'd appreciate it if someone didn't take it...
It's one thing to like Homestuck. It's another to have EVERYONE who's a fan change their name to something Homestuck-related. I just don't get it. And I watched the intro video, Javelin had a link somewhere, it wasn't that interesting. I'll admit it was awesome, but not interesting.
Doofenshmirtz Evil said:
It's one thing to like Homestuck. It's another to have EVERYONE who's a fan change their name to something Homestuck-related. I just don't get it. And I watched the intro video, Javelin had a link somewhere, it wasn't that interesting. I'll admit it was awesome, but not interesting.
Well, it's just a piece of the story. If you can get up to the intermission in Homestuck then I assure you you will be interested.

arachnidsGrip said:
In all seriousness, it's because I think Hussie is funny... and nobody did take him... so yeah.
Yeah, he is pretty funny. He likes trolling the fans.


You attempt the rare and highly dangerous 5x CLIFFHANGER COMBO, and fail.