Sonic bosses

Most of the bosses in Colors are easy, even the Final Boss.

The only ones that give any amount of trouble in my opinion are the ones in Aquarium Park and Asteroid Coaster. And even those aren't very hard to deal with.
Super WaluigiWare said:
Most of the bosses in Colors are easy, even the Final Boss.

The only ones that give any amount of trouble in my opinion are the ones in Aquarium Park and Asteroid Coaster. And even those aren't very hard to deal with.
I was stuck on the Asteroid Coaster boss for quite a while, he is by far the hardest boss in the game.
caligulasAquarium said:
I think the final boss is harder. :-\
The final boss is painfully easy once you know all of its patterns and attacks, and if you're aware that you can boost into him after you attack for an extra hit.