Can Town (The Official Homestuck Thread)

Favorite Troll?

  • Aradia Megido

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Tavros Nitram

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Sollux Captor

    Votes: 12 19.4%
  • Karkat Vantas

    Votes: 24 38.7%
  • Nepeta Leijon

    Votes: 15 24.2%
  • Kanaya Maryam

    Votes: 8 12.9%
  • Terezi Pyrope

    Votes: 21 33.9%
  • Vriska Serket

    Votes: 10 16.1%
  • Equius Zahhak

    Votes: 4 6.5%
  • Gamzee Makara

    Votes: 7 11.3%
  • Eridan Ampora

    Votes: 6 9.7%
  • Feferi Peixes

    Votes: 9 14.5%

  • Total voters
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

because its goddamn motherfuckin obvious if you listen to him talk ever at all??

moron <3<
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

and then the curtains parted

as it was clear

that I was the only forum member who likes all the characters evenly except Meenah, whom I like less than the rest
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Kankri is the best - only problem is how hard his text is to read with the 69 spam. However what he has to say is really interesting, though I wish he would focus more on the class structure. I could gain a lot of useful information from him if he did that.

Obviously Aranea is also great for that same reason - she is another wealth of information.

As characters who I find have awesome personalities, Meenah definitely and I actually love Porrim - she seems very much like Doc Scratch and Snowman (omnipotent). Only problem is that ridiculous goth outfit she is wearing.

I also think people should stop bagging on Latula. Latula's character, unlike Kankri's or Porrim's, still has another dimension to it. Latula is a warrior - a knight. She will develop more and appeal more when she actually gets to action scenes. However in peaceful scenes like this one, her character can't fully develop.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

so what i got from that post

is that personality is second to you and you're more interested in backstory (which makes you interested in kankri) and classes (which makes you interested in Latula)

One question.

Why is a character's class the most interesting thing about them? I don't weigh in powers at all when I'm deciding who I like the most, or otherwise Aradia or Dave would be the most powerful.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Jack Noir said:
so what i got from that post

is that personality is second to you and you're more interested in backstory (which makes you interested in kankri) and classes (which makes you interested in Latula)

One question.

Why is a character's class the most interesting thing about them? I don't weigh in powers at all when I'm deciding who I like the most, or otherwise Aradia or Dave would be the most powerful.
I love characters who are fully developed, and I could care less how awesome they seem. And for the record, I do not like Latula, reading her text nauseates me, but I can tell she is a warrior so I am reserving judgment.

And to answer your question, class and powers are not the same thing.

I find powers an interesting part of a character, but I find classes an amazing part of the story.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Also, the thing about Rose/Kanaya.

I actually support and ship that pairing so hard, but when it seems that Hussie might be making it canon, I'm just kind of pissed off for some reason.

No idea why.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

oh my poochy it does

john what are you DOING that style doesnt suit you at all

change it back aaaaaaah
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Makoto Naegi said:
oh my poochy it does

john what are you DOING that style doesnt suit you at all

change it back aaaaaaah
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

JOHN: jade...
JADE: hm?
JOHN: i think i just realized something.
JADE: what?
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Back to the drawing board, as hussie killed everything.

Here is what we know (or what we thought we knew that Hussie hasn't wrecked)

Maid - Supports with x (Src: Aradia uses her knowledge of time to help her team / Jane heals herself when she dies / Porrim apparently knows a lot of things which she presumably used to help her team)
Page - Craves x (Src: Tavros wants to fly / Jake always looks on the bright side)
Mage - Has premonitions of x (Src: Sollux sees his own doom often)
Knight - Uses x to further own power (Src: Dave fights using time / Karkat leads everyone / Latula has not shown any power yet)
Rogue - Steals x for others (Src: Hussie)
Sylph - Can heal x (Src: Kanaya could be defined as the bridge between the kids and the trolls - as in she healed the distance between them / Aranea tried to heal Terezi's sight)
Seer - Can see deep into x (Src: Rose sees the future / Terezi's amazing intellect could be the result of seeing into minds / Kankri saw what his ancestor had seen)
Thief - Steals x for self (Src: Hussie)
Heir - Has x inside them (Src: John has the windy thing inside him / Equius has nothing inside of him :P)
Bard - Allows destruction of/through x (Src: Hussie)
Prince - Causes destruction of/with x (Src: Hussie)
Witch - Controls x (Src: Jade has full control over space / Feferi can allegedly extend or end people's lives)

Considering class groups seem to be similarly-formatted, I think these can be grouped into six groups of two some way. I'll work on that in a bit.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Marioguy1 said:
Back to the drawing board, as hussie killed everything.
this is why i don't even bother analyzing rules in homestuck, because they usually don't exist
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Well apparently I'm being invited to my school's Homestuck club.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Marioguy1 said:
22: Click the period in my post :P

this is why i hate you >:⁠(

i don't really hate you

its just that that was terrifying, is all
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Looks like the Fantroll's name is Nektan Whelan.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)


Hussie severely underestimated his fans. He's gone $300,000 over the requested amount and there are no signs of stopping. In fact, as that Strecheladder fills out, people who wouldn't have donated, for example, the French people, will be inclined to donate to get their language added to it.

Also the addition of new perks doesn't hurt. People will be upgrading their donations just to get the best possible value.

EDIT: Though it might take a downturn after the Snoutpaks run out.
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

Marioguy1 said:

Hussie severely underestimated his fans. He's gone $300,000 over the requested amount and there are no signs of stopping. In fact, as that Strecheladder fills out, people who wouldn't have donated, for example, the French people, will be inclined to donate to get their language added to it.

Also the addition of new perks doesn't hurt. People will be upgrading their donations just to get the best possible value.

EDIT: Though it might take a downturn after the Snoutpaks run out.
plus he thought that no one would get the god tier... until Jedediah Long (I think that's his name) donated 10k
Re: R41NBOW RUMPUS P4RTYTOWN (Spoilers ahead!)

I told my friend who also likes homestuck about this. He was amazed when I told him it had raised over $1,000,000 in about a week.