Worst Movie Eva


King Bowser
We don't have this. Now we do.
What is your least favorite movie?
Anything that was featured on the Mystery Science Theater 3000, especially Monster a-go-go and Manos: The Hands of Fate.

Movie I actually watched: Volcano, this isn't a movie, it's a collection of cliché.
1994 film Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation/Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Absolutely nothing in that movie made any sense whatsoever.

And despite having stars like Renée Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey in it, the acting sucked quite horribly.
Sir Grodus said:
1994 film Texas Chainsaw Massacre: The Next Generation/Return of the Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

Absolutely nothing in that movie made any sense whatsoever.

And despite having stars like Renée Zellweger and Matthew McConaughey in it, the acting sucked quite horribly.

All Massacres.

Plus the Epic.
3Dejong said:
All Massacres.

Plus the Epic.

This one sucked more than normal though (its ranked ninety-two on the one-hundred worst movies of all time). Not surprsing, considering it had stuff like cyborgs, aliens, Men in Black, government conspiracies and cults.

And Leatherface was an extremely wussy, effeminate transvestite who wouldn't stop yelping for some reason.
Sir Grodus said:
3Dejong said:
All Massacres.

Plus the Epic.

This one sucked more than normal though (its ranked ninety-two on the one-hundred worst movies of all time). Not surprsing, considering it had stuff like cyborgs, aliens, Men in Black, government conspiracies and cults.

And Leatherface was an extremely wussy, effeminate transvestite who wouldn't stop yelping for some reason.

WOAH! Aliens? Men In Black?

That wasn't in the Wikipedia article.


And by the way, I've been way too scared to look this up on Wikipedia: WHAT THE HECK IS THE GRUDGE/2 ABOUT?!
3Dejong said:
And by the way, I've been way too scared to look this up on Wikipedia: WHAT THE HECK IS THE GRUDGE/2 ABOUT?!

From what I've heard (I haven't actually seen it) its essentially the same plot as the first one:

1. People enter the cursed house
2. This allows the horrible ghost monsters to get at them (even if they leave the place)
3. Grotesque butcherings begin
4. Open ending
I think my least favorite movie is.... hm... probably... Annie Hall. I'm sorry to anyone that really liked that movie, and it was supposed to be very good, but for some reason, I didn't enjoy it. >.>
This really crappy Disney movie called The Country Bears. I saw it when I was, like, 5.
Anything after Ocean's 11
The fast and the furious: Tokyo Drift SUCKED