Anybody ever heard of Good Nintentions?


Allo allo allo!
It's a webcomic. Kinda new, only two comics so far, about Nintendo characters. Two authors.

can be found at

WAIT A SECOND... that one author looks a bit familiar! See the avatar? Does he kind of remind you of another red glowing koopa troopa with a single spike on his shell?

Thank you, UM, for summing that up. Now, for those of you who don't quite understand,


Yeah, okay. I've wanted to have a webcomic for a while, so now I finally have one. We'll be updating every day, so watch for it. ;)
Hm... Could use some work, on this comic, the Goomba's words are really smashed together, so it's kind of hard to read.
apocalypseArisen said:
Hm... Could use some work, on this comic, the Goomba's words are really smashed together, so it's kind of hard to read.
Yeah, blame Andy (andropax, the author) for that one. Andropax writes them; I do everything else.
Might wanna think about typing the text instead of drawing it in by hand. I assume whatever image manipulation program you drew that in lets you do that.
Are you doing that with MS paint? You might want to get photoshop, gimp, ect. The first one was good, but you kinda need a little work on the drawing skills. I'm just being honest, :D