Disturbing VG music.

Re: Creepy VG music.

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Re: Creepy VG music.

'3K said:
I get slightly nauseous every time I go through this "dungeon".

Only happens to me when I think of the Master Quest version (cows coming out of the "walls")

Re: Creepy VG music.

Is it weird that I find the "happier" Lavender Town song creepier than the original?
Re: Creepy VG music.

But if you listen closely, the sad and creepy tones from the original Lavender town are still in the new Lavender town song. The town may be trying to cover up their past, but under the false cheerfulness, the spirits of the dead pokemon still remain, and the sadness of their deaths is still there. It might not be the all encompassing theme, but even in the happiness, the spirits are still there, now mostly forgotten, but hanging on, just out of reach, in the background...waiting...