Started playing PM:TTYD again

I agree the fog is cheap, but there is a way to get rid of it; have Bobbery as your partner and either use his Appeal, or use one of his exploding attacks, even is his attacks miss, the fog will still go away. But the stage obstacles cause very minor damage.
Consider the times before I got Bobbery.

There was still the time where the hoses froze me and I got major damage due to that. I know it could be avoided, but it's so unpredictable. >_<
About not having Bobbery yet and the hoses, so true. But suffering those stage hazards are worth being able to grind star points unlike the original Paper Mario.

By the way, speaking of getting frozen, I once saw a YouTube video of this guy fighting Cortez and everybody got frozen and Cortez's ice cube was HUGE! And it happened more than once. Kind of hilarious.
I personally don't mind the random stage effects, makes things interesting. Although I hate the ice because it's hard to time it and Feeling Fine won't protect you from it. Fire is ok because it's easy for me to time :P
Fog caused me way more trouble than ice