My artwork

i would love to see more
I can probably upload more sketches, but not as much artwork as sketches.
Here's another one I did 'cuz I was bored in Graphic Design class.

Meh, not my best work. I didn't originally sketch, first, and second I used solely the computer to make this.

Really? You think it's good? Well, er, thanks
I even made Paper Mario styled Baby Luigi sprites, what a coincidence
Did you submit anything there?
Hey BLOF I subitted a drawing to the Shroom for the sketch related to Mario section. I think it was one of the recent Shrooms. I can't remember which one but it has Baby luigi
Can you link it to me? I must see it
Technically, it's not your sweat that's making the odor, it's the waste products of bacteria.

W/e, may I see the link to your drawing now?