Block the above user for a stupid reason!

Blocked for being a World.
Blocked for being ninja'd.
Blocked for not using a smiley.
Blocked for being mean.
Blocked for not being mean.
Blocked for a hungry reason.
Blocked because you need a Gobstopper.
Blocked because you need a Magic Paintbrush.
Blocked because of your extremely long tongue.
Blocked. Period.
B.l.o.c.k.e.d. b.e.c.a.u.s.e. t.h.e.r.e. a.r.e. p.e.r.i.o.d.s. a.f.t.e.r. e.v.e.r.y. l.e.t.t.e.r. i.n. t.h.i.s. s.e.n.t.e.n.c.e.
B,l,o,c,k,e,d, o,k,a,y,?,
Blocked for using commas.
Blocked for geysers.
Blocked for lakes.