Block the above user for a stupid reason!

Blocked for being even more odd than the guy I promoted for being odd.
Blocked for having a crappy avatar...


Blocked for saying that word.
Blocked for flying around. (I post without sense because I have no ideas what to post...)
Blocked for running out of ideas... :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll: :roll:
Blocked for counting them...
Blocked for ƒ®Ñ├─↔®£¹}§. (random Alt-codes with the numbers 1, 2, 4, 5)
Blocked for knowing things I don't
Blocked for being right. :twisted:

Teh binomical formulas (or however they're called in English).
Blocked for moar potatoes.
Blocked for misspelling hores.

I'm a hypnokritter
Blocked for stating the obvious. Huh?
Blocked for being Uniju
NOW you're blocked for being Uniju