E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Sep 29, 2015 #9,251 Blocked for being here since 2014
YuruNex One Tough Cream Puff Pronouns He/Him MarioWiki YuruNex Sep 29, 2015 #9,252 Blocked because you've been gone for a year.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Sep 29, 2015 #9,253 Blocked because yeah I have
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Sep 29, 2015 #9,255 blocked because im not
V Viper26 King Bowser Sep 29, 2015 #9,256 Blocked because I was around on the wiki since 2013, so I was actually around since 2013
princessofalicorns *insert thing that's related to war here* Sep 30, 2015 #9,258 blocked because you and i are both soldiers.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Sep 30, 2015 #9,260 blocked because you forgot "because"
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Sep 30, 2015 #9,262 blocked because you forgot because again
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Sep 30, 2015 #9,266 blocked because wdtm ( what does that mean)
princessofalicorns *insert thing that's related to war here* Oct 2, 2015 #9,267 blocked because i don't know
Will Solace The truth can be significantly annoying Pronouns He/him MarioWiki The Shadow Prince Oct 2, 2015 #9,268 Blocked because I'm worried you'll flip the bird at me.
princessofalicorns *insert thing that's related to war here* Oct 3, 2015 #9,269 blocked because "flip" in this instance does not mean that
RedShell I'm back. You didn't miss me, huh? Oct 5, 2015 #9,270 Blocked because sisterly love forces me to block you.
E. C. Koopa Owner of the Dr. Laura Game. Poll Committee Pronouns Any/all Oct 5, 2015 #9,272 blocked because
YuruNex One Tough Cream Puff Pronouns He/Him MarioWiki YuruNex Oct 6, 2015 #9,275 Blocked because I do indeed have an avatar, you just can't see it for whatever reason.