The Legend Of Zelda Skyward Sword 25th Anniversary Edition

I can't wait. It didn't show up today D:
Up to Lanayru Desert now. I'm suspecting Ghirahim of being the most awesome character in the game.

Also the first two bosses did as many hearts damage as the entire Cave of Ordeals in TP did my FIRST time.
Fawfulfury65 said:
There's a harder mode after you beat it, and I'm working on that.
I wonder if they made your battle harder Ghirahim.
I beat the first battle against Ghirahim yesterday on the harder mode (Hero Mode I think it's called) and he was pretty hard. The thing that makes it harder is that you can't find hearts anywhere, and enemies do double damage (in other words, if Ghirahim hits you more than twice in the first battle, you're dead).
He did about as much damage to me as did all four forms of Ganondorf in TP, which was impressive, to say the least. The main reason Ganondorf did that much damage at all was because I goofed off in the final sword duel (eg: Trying the Shield Attack on him just to see what would happen, even though I knew it always failed).
I've looked on Metacritic, and I've been wondering: if the major complaint about the game from users is controls, do you think the people playing are dumb enough to not use the Wiimotion Plus?
Nabber said:
I've looked on Metacritic, and I've been wondering: if the major complaint about the game from users is controls, do you think the people playing are dumb enough to not use the Wiimotion Plus?
The motion controls define motion controlling for the rest of its popularity. If they start acting up, it takes less than 15 seconds to re-calibrate, and you can center the pointer at any time with the push of a button. The swordplay is everything advertised and then some, and works perfectly 99% of the time. No enemy outside of Keese are a cheap victory, and all require at least some thought or strategy. If people are complaining about the motion controls, it's probably because they are terrible at them.
I think the motion controls are wonderful. Recalibrating it is no big deal. I played Skyward Sword all week, and then went back to a little bit of Twilight Princess. I was having trouble enjoying fighting enemies anymore in TP. When I play Twilight Princess now (the Wii version of course), I feel like I have hardly any control of my sword.
Actually, aside from B items, TP offered almost no improvement over the OoT control scheme in terms of precision or accuracy. If anything, it was horrifyingly easy to flail around and still kill things. SS doesn't let that work on any but the cannon fodder enemies.
Fawfulfury65 said:
I think the motion controls are wonderful. Recalibrating it is no big deal. I played Skyward Sword all week, and then went back to a little bit of Twilight Princess. I was having trouble enjoying fighting enemies anymore in TP. When I play Twilight Princess now (the Wii version of course), I feel like I have hardly any control of my sword.
Yeah but in Sonic and the Black Knight, if you Left, Sonic will swing Vertically up. But the Fast passed gameplay makes the game not a horrible deserter.

I really hope Chirstmas comes soon.
In Skyward Sword, you can slash in approximately 32 directions at any point without hitch based on your enemies' weakness, so the motion controls pwn.

I'm outside of the Lanayru Mining Facility, checking for some Heart Pieces and Gratitude Crystals before going in. I really enjoyed the desert area, especially the management of the stamina meter and the Hook Beetle.
So there's a Boss Rush mode in this game. I spent at least THREE HOURS trying to beat all of the bosses concecutively, and once I did I got a reward of 3,000 rupees. There was only one problem:

My wallet was full.
I hate those moments...

@FF65: Which shield did you use to progress through the game? I broke my Wooden Shield fighting Ghirahim in Skyview Temple, so I've been going with the Iron Shield and its upgrades since then.
I used an upgraded iron shield most of the time. However, I HIGHLY recommend the Sacred Shield (or the Hylian Shield if you get it) for the final boss. I swear it is impossible to beat that guy with an iron shield.
The Final Boss is actually kind of easy. But it's very epic in how it's presented so I like it the most.

I used the Sacred Shield but I had the Fortified Iron Shield for most of the game.

Hated the final dungeon though, the whole thing was a giant nuisance and was kind of uncreative in the areas.

But overall it's the best game I've played. Story and Game play wise.
Come closer Chistmas.

What I'm planing on doing I might use the Iron Sheid to explore Eldin Volcano, use a high Upgraed Wooden Sheid for the Desert and will only use the Secred Shield in areas with a lot of enemies.