Amazing Race Forum Edition

Waiting for challenge..
For the riddles, if we get an answer that wasn't the answer that you were looking for but is correct, then will it be counted as wrong?
Vinnie said:
Can you stop calling me Cosmic Vin? I want to be called Vinnie
Sorry, I always do original names. I'll change it.

Discord said:
For the riddles, if we get an answer that wasn't the answer that you were looking for but is correct, then will it be counted as wrong?
Hmm... Depends on the answer I guess
2nd: yes
3rd: yes
1st: no
so about 30 minutes
I might have to drop out of this game if I don't have enough time for the challenges.

I'll see if I can answer those riddles.
Here were the answers to the riddles!

1. What has a head, a tail, is brown, and has no legs?: A penny (I'll except coin too)

2. I am the beginning of the end, and the end of time and space. I am essential to creation, and I surround every place. What am I?: The letter e

3. I'm full of holes, yet I'm full of water. What am I?: A sponge

And the times are adjusted:
Paper Yoshi:4:10

Goomba'sShoe still in first, Nabber in second, and Dry Petey and Vinnie in third.

Challenge being sent!