YoshiMonsta Yoshi! Yoshi! Oct 29, 2011 Thread starter #27 The Electroflower has come to the Party felllas. Now Wario isn't the only yellow guy around huh? is fat and happy
The Electroflower has come to the Party felllas. Now Wario isn't the only yellow guy around huh? is fat and happy
OJ Toad Erectin' a INTERNAL ERROR, BOOTING DOS V672.S82 Oct 29, 2011 #28 I have an idea... What about a Scribbleshroom? The player would be able to draw platforms and such to get around. He could also erase stuff too, but there would be a timer on the erase... Otherwise, Skeleshroom would be epic.
I have an idea... What about a Scribbleshroom? The player would be able to draw platforms and such to get around. He could also erase stuff too, but there would be a timer on the erase... Otherwise, Skeleshroom would be epic.